Cython ImportError:/h\u未定义的符号:_ZN9haystack27featureD1Ev是由new feature()的c++错误中只允许的操作引起的

2024-04-20 09:35:04 发布

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from libcpp cimport bool
cdef extern from "h_feature.h" namespace "h2":

    cdef cppclass feature:
        feature() except +
        feature(char* modelDir, bool) except +
        bool load_feature_extractor(char* modelDir, bool)

    cdef cppclass Image:     # this is a struct in .h file, but i write it as class in pyx file here

cdef class PyImage:
    cdef Image* image

cdef class PyFeature:
    cdef feature* c_feature
    def __cinit__(self, bytes modelDir, bint useGPU = 0):
        self.c_feature = new feature(modelDir, useGPU)
    def Pyload_feature_extractor(self, bytes modelDir, bint useGPU = 0):
        return self.c_feature.load_feature_extractor(modelDir, useGPU)
    def __dealloc__(self):
        del self.c_feature






namespace h2 {

    typedef unsigned char pixel_type;

    struct Image;
    class feature_impl;

    class DllExport feature

    feature(const char* modelDir, bool useGPU = false);               

    Method to load feature extractor

   Input: modelDir           model directory (...model/)
    bool load_feature_extractor(const char* modelDir, bool useGPU = false);

   struct Image {
          Image() { }
          Image(const Image& i) : width(i.width), height(i.height), bytes_per_row(i.bytes_per_row), pixels(i.pixels) { }
          Image(pixel_type* p, int w, int h, int bpr) : width(w), height(h), bytes_per_row(bpr), pixels(p) { }

          int width,height,bytes_per_row;
          pixel_type* pixels;


namespace h2 {

    typedef std::mutex Mutex;

    // use the Lock primitive to acquire a given mutex for the object's lifetime. 
    // the mutex is released when the object is destroyed, typically when it goes
   // out of scope.

  class Lock {
          Lock(Mutex& _m) : m(_m) { m.lock(); }
          ~Lock() { m.unlock(); }

          Mutex& m;

          // don't allow copying or NULL constructor
          Lock();                         // unimplemented
          Lock(const Lock&);              // unimplemented
          Lock& operator=(const Lock&);   // unimplemented

    // for now, use a heavyweight mutex to prevent concurrency issues in the API.
    // that is, all API calls must acquire the mutex and hold it for the entire call.
   static Mutex threadMutex;

  class feature_impl
    // the base class for feature. threadMutex is used in this class. ommitted all implementation of this class.

   feature::feature() : fi(new feature_impl)

   feature::feature(const char* modelDir, bool useGPU) : fi(new feature_impl)
      fi->load_feat_extractor(modelDir, useGPU);

    if(fi != NULL)  delete fi;

  bool feature::load_feature_extractor(const char* modelDir, bool useGPU)
      return fi->load_feat_extractor(std::string(modelDir), useGPU);

  }; // namespace h2

Tags: theimageselflockbytesloadfeatureclass