如何以及何时在Python Pandas中使用链索引?

2024-04-25 16:35:40 发布

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You can chain operations together. For instance, we could have rewritten the query for all Store 1 costs as df.loc['Store 1']['Cost']. This looks pretty reasonable and gets us the result we wanted. But chaining can come with some costs and is best avoided if you can use another approach. In particular, chaining tends to cause Pandas to return a copy of the DataFrame instead of a view on the DataFrame. For selecting data, this is not a big deal, though it might be slower than necessary. If you are changing data though, this is an important distinction and can be a source of error.


Generally bad, pandas could return a copy of a view depending upon NumPy

因此,他建议使用多轴索引(df.loc['a', '1'])。在



我发现this answer表示:

When you use df['1']['a'], you are first accessing the series object s = df['1'], and then accessing the series element s['a'], resulting in two __getitem__ calls, both of which are heavily overloaded (handle a lot of scenarios, like slicing, boolean mask indexing, and so on).


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