
2024-05-21 01:44:06 发布

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Tags: 方法用户目的进程开发人员windows跨平台分辨率


import win32com.client
oAutoItX = win32com.client.Dispatch( "AutoItX3.Control" )

oAutoItX.Opt("WinTitleMatchMode", 2) #Match text anywhere in a window title

width = oAutoItX.WinGetClientSizeWidth("Firefox")
height = oAutoItX.WinGetClientSizeHeight("Firefox")

print width, height

查看Python的Windows扩展中的^{} module。它可能提供一些您正在寻找的功能。

使用来自WindowMover articleNattee Niparnan's blog post的提示,我成功地创建了这个:

import win32con
import win32gui

def isRealWindow(hWnd):
    '''Return True iff given window is a real Windows application window.'''
    if not win32gui.IsWindowVisible(hWnd):
        return False
    if win32gui.GetParent(hWnd) != 0:
        return False
    hasNoOwner = win32gui.GetWindow(hWnd, win32con.GW_OWNER) == 0
    lExStyle = win32gui.GetWindowLong(hWnd, win32con.GWL_EXSTYLE)
    if (((lExStyle & win32con.WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW) == 0 and hasNoOwner)
      or ((lExStyle & win32con.WS_EX_APPWINDOW != 0) and not hasNoOwner)):
        if win32gui.GetWindowText(hWnd):
            return True
    return False

def getWindowSizes():
    Return a list of tuples (handler, (width, height)) for each real window.
    def callback(hWnd, windows):
        if not isRealWindow(hWnd):
        rect = win32gui.GetWindowRect(hWnd)
        windows.append((hWnd, (rect[2] - rect[0], rect[3] - rect[1])))
    windows = []
    win32gui.EnumWindows(callback, windows)
    return windows

for win in getWindowSizes():
    print win

你需要Win32 Extensions for Python module才能工作。


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