Python sqlite3不使用索引与LIKE

2024-06-11 20:38:38 发布

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  • SELECT * FROM sequences WHERE seqs="blablabla"
  • SELECT * FROM sequences WHERE seqs LIKE "blablabla%"


  • CREATE INDEX test_nocol ON sequences(seqs)用于第一个查询。在
  • CREATE INDEX seqs_index ON sequences(seqs COLLATE NOCASE)用于第二个查询。在


>>> sql = 'explain query plan\n select seqs from sequences where seqs="blabla"'
>>> c3.execute(sql).fetchall()
[(0, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE sequences USING COVERING INDEX test_nocol (seqs=?)')]
>>> sql = 'explain query plan\n select seqs from sequences where seqs=?'
>>> c3.execute(sql, ('hahahah',)).fetchall()
[(0, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE sequences USING COVERING INDEX test_nocol (seqs=?)')]
>>> sql = 'explain query plan\n select seqs from sequences where seqs like "hahahah%"'
>>> c3.execute(sql).fetchall()
[(0, 0, 0, 'SEARCH TABLE sequences USING COVERING INDEX seqs_index (seqs>? AND seqs<?)')]
>>> sql = 'explain query plan\n select seqs from sequences where seqs like ?'
>>> c3.execute(sql, ('hahahah',)).fetchall()
[(0, 0, 0, 'SCAN TABLE sequences')]


Tags: fromtestexecutesqlindextablewherequery
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-11 20:38:38


If the right-hand side is a parameter that is bound to a string, then this optimization is only attempted if the prepared statement containing the expression was compiled with sqlite3_prepare_v2() or sqlite3_prepare16_v2(). The LIKE optimization is not attempted if the right-hand side is a parameter and the statement was prepared using sqlite3_prepare() or sqlite3_prepare16().


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