如何在Django python的原始sql中插入参数

2024-04-29 02:13:25 发布

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myquery =   '''SELECT * from users 
               where id = 10 and
               city = 20 and 
               state = 30'''


var_id = bla
var_city = bla
var_state = bla

Tags: andfromid密码cityvarwhereselect

使用^{} argument to ^{}

var_id = 10
var_city = 20
var_state = 30

mymodel.objects.raw('''SELECT * from users 
                       where id = %s and
                       city = %s and 
                       state = %s ''', [var_id, var_city, var_state])


Django docs的重要说明:

Warning Do not use string formatting on raw queries!

It's tempting to write the above query as:

>>> query = 'SELECT * FROM myapp_person WHERE last_name = %s' % lname
>>> Person.objects.raw(query)


Using the params list completely protects you from SQL injection attacks, a common exploit where attackers inject arbitrary SQL into your database. If you use string interpolation, sooner or later you'll fall victim to SQL injection. As long as you remember to always use the params list you'll be protected.


my_dict = {
   'id': 10,
   'city': 20,
   'state': 30

mymodel.objects.raw('''SELECT * from users 
                       where id = %(id)s and
                       city = %(city)s and 
                       state = %(state)s ''', my_dict)


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