在Python的if / else语句中,return语句不会返回值

2024-04-18 22:39:03 发布

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在这个函数中,我想返回一个列表,如果它不是空的。为了检查列表是否为空,我使用if not data:并测试它是否被填充了我使用elif data:的内容,但是当len(data)等于13时,return语句没有执行。原因是什么?在


Class MyClass:

    def downloadHistoryOHLC(url, start, end):

        http = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
        data = json.loads(http.read().decode())

        print('length is', len(data))      # Here I test if list is filled  

        if not data:

            ''' Add 366 days to start date if list is empty '''

            start = datetime.strptime(start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') + timedelta(days=366)
            start = str(start.isoformat()+'Z')

            end = datetime.strptime(end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') + timedelta(days=366)
            end = str(end.isoformat()+'Z')

            MyClass.downloadHistoryOHLC(url, start, end) # if list is empty I execute the same function with new parameters

        elif data:

            return data



Tags: 函数url列表datalenreturnifis


Class MyClass:

    def downloadHistoryOHLC(url, start, end):

        http = urllib.request.urlopen(url)
        data = json.loads(http.read().decode())

        print('length is', len(data))      # Here I test if list is filled  

        if not data:

            ''' Add 366 days to start date if list is empty '''

            start = datetime.strptime(start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') + timedelta(days=366)
            start = str(start.isoformat()+'Z')

            end = datetime.strptime(end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ') + timedelta(days=366)
            end = str(end.isoformat()+'Z')

            return(MyClass.downloadHistoryOHLC(url, start, end)) # if list is empty I execute the same function with new parameters

        return data


    return data

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