
2024-06-16 11:26:07 发布

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  1. 在国际象棋比赛中,有一个棋子叫骑士。骑士沿着L形路径移动,在一个方向移动两个空格,然后在90°方向移动一个空格。

在这个问题中,给你一个文本文件,骑士.txt,包含六行信息。第一行包含国王在棋盘上的位置。接下来的五行是棋盘上骑士的位置。你的任务是计算出骑士俘获国王需要多少步。 例如,如果文本文件骑士.txt包含以下内容: (6,3) (4,4) (6,6) (4,1) (2,5) (5,7)









print "Knight Moves"
print "------------\n"
#This function will try to find the shortest route to the king usi
def findDaKing(knightX,knightY,moveNum):
    #Checks if the king and knight are on the same spot
    if knightX <0 or knightX >7 or knightY <0 or knightY >7:
    elif chessBoard[knightY][knightX] == 1:
        return moveNum
    #finds if it has moved 10 times so i doesnt hit max resuresion depth or waste time
    if moveNum == 6:

        return -1
    #moves the knight
        #uses resursion so because i don't know how else to do it :)
        #finds the shorts route for each path and compares them

        shortestRoute = findDaKing(knightX+2,knightY-1,moveNum+1)
        temp =findDaKing(knightX+2,knightY+1,moveNum+1)
        #checks if it found a route
        if temp == -1:
        elif temp==1 or shortestRoute ==1:
            return 1
        #checks if the first one found a path and if not temp must be a shorter route or if its bigger than temp
        elif shortestRoute == -1 or shortestRoute> temp:
            shortestRoute  = temp
        temp =findDaKing(knightX+1,knightY-2,moveNum+1)
        #checks if it found a route
        if temp == -1:
        elif temp == 1:
            return 1
        #checks if the first one found a path and if not temp must be a shorter route or if its bigger than temp
        elif shortestRoute == -1 or shortestRoute> temp:
            shortestRoute  = temp
        temp =findDaKing(knightX+1,knightY+2,moveNum+1)
        #checks if it found a route
        if temp == -1:
        elif temp == 1:
            return 1
        #checks if the first one found a path and if not temp must be a shorter route or if its bigger than temp
        elif shortestRoute == -1 or shortestRoute> temp:
            shortestRoute  = temp
        temp =findDaKing(knightX-1,knightY+2,moveNum+1)
        #checks if it found a route
        if temp == -1:
        elif temp == 1:
            return 1
        #checks if the first one found a path and if not temp must be a shorter route or if its bigger than temp
        elif shortestRoute == -1 or shortestRoute> temp:
            shortestRoute  = temp
        temp =findDaKing(knightX-2,knightY+1,moveNum+1)
        #checks if it found a route
        if temp == -1:
        elif temp == 1:
            return 1
        #checks if the first one found a path and if not temp must be a shorter route or if its bigger than temp
        elif shortestRoute == -1 or shortestRoute> temp:
            shortestRoute  = temp
        temp =findDaKing(knightX-2,knightY-1,moveNum+1)
        #checks if it found a route
        if temp == -1:
        elif temp == 1:
            return 1
        #checks if the first one found a path and if not temp must be a shorter route or if its bigger than temp
        elif shortestRoute == -1 or shortestRoute> temp:
            shortestRoute  = temp
        temp =findDaKing(knightX-1,knightY-2,moveNum+1)
        #checks if it found a route
        if temp == -1:
        elif temp == 1:
            return 1
        #checks if the first one found a path and if not temp must be a shorter route or if its bigger than temp
        elif shortestRoute == -1 or shortestRoute> temp:
            shortestRoute  = temp
        #returns the shortest Route
        return shortestRoute
#checks if the format is right
def checkFormat(string):
    #checks if its the right len
    if len(string) !=5:
        return True
    #checks if it has the right syntax
    elif string[0] != "(" and string[4] != ")" and string[2] == ",":
        return True
    #checks if they are numbers
    elif not(string[1].isdigit()) and not(string[3].isdigit()):
        return True
    #else returns false so I know that it is the right format.
    return False
#This will be used to check if the text file failed to open
textFileFail = False
#trys to read from the text file
    chessTextFile = [line.rstrip("\n") for line in open("knight.txt")]
    #Prints that the text file failed and set the program no to run
    print "The text file failed to open."
    textFileFail = True
#This will be the 2-d list that holds the board
chessBoard = [  [0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
if textFileFail == False:
    #runs through all the lines in the text file
    for line in range(0,len(chessTextFile),1):
        #checks the format of the chess point
        Format = checkFormat(chessTextFile[line])
        #if the format error is true it failed to read it
        if Format == True:
            #print that it didnt work and what line the error was on
            print "Sorry the format for line",line+1,"was incorrect."
            #If it happened on the first line the reset of the program wont work so it just breaks else it continues in hopes of some working
            if line == 0:
        #if its the first one I know its the kings x and y
        if line == 0:
            #sets the x and y based on the string in the list
            chessBoard[int(chessTextFile[line][3])][int(chessTextFile[line][1])] = 1
        #Else I know its a starting point
            #prints how many moves it will take
            print "It takes",findDaKing(int(chessTextFile[line][1]),int(chessTextFile[line][3]),0),"moves for the knight at",chessTextFile[line],"to capture the king at",chessTextFile[0]+"."

我希望这些评论能有所帮助。抱歉,如果它有点混乱或难以阅读。 附言。谢谢你的回答这是我第一次问问题。在

Tags: orandthereturniflineitroute
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-16 11:26:07


king = [4,1]
knight = [[6,3]]
c = 0
while king not in knight:
    moves = []
    for i in range(len(knight)):
        for j in [-1,1]:
            for k in [-2,2]:
                for l in [0,1]:
                    if knight[i][l] + j>0 and knight[i][l] +j < 9 and knight[i][abs(l-1)] + k > 0 and knight[i][abs(l-1)] + k < 9:
                        moves[len(moves)-1][l] = knight[i][l] + j
                        moves[len(moves)-1][abs(l-1)] = knight[i][abs(l-1)] + k
    c += 1
    knight = list(moves)

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