
2024-04-18 11:54:13 发布

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如果这样的方法不存在,我可能会将文件插入数据库,并使用python sqlite3模块提取我需要的数据。在

Tags: 模块文件csv数据方法信息数据库db
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-18 11:54:13

您可以使用sqlite commandline tool将表数据转储到CSV。在

To export an SQLite table (or part of a table) as CSV, simply set the "mode" to "csv" and then run a query to extract the desired rows of the table.

sqlite> .header on
sqlite> .mode csv
sqlite> .once c:/work/dataout.csv
sqlite> SELECT * FROM tab1;

In the example above, the ".header on" line causes column labels to be printed as the first row of output. This means that the first row of the resulting CSV file will contain column labels. If column labels are not desired, set ".header off" instead. (The ".header off" setting is the default and can be omitted if the headers have not been previously turned on.)

The line ".once FILENAME" causes all query output to go into the named file instead of being printed on the console. In the example above, that line causes the CSV content to be written into a file named "C:/work/dataout.csv".


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