Google App Engin中的SugarCRM“错误数据传入”

2024-06-16 18:34:08 发布

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在这里,我将用户的数据输入到字典中,然后在请求发送中使用crm详细信息。 我的请求如下:


Tags: to数据用户inhomedatareturn字典
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-16 18:34:08

问题在于平台。 在集成SugarCRM时,必须向文件中添加一个新的平台。在

When working directly with the filesystem, enable the disable_unknown_platforms configuration by setting $sugar_config['disable_unknown_platforms'] = true in your ./config_override.php. This will prevent the system from allowing unknown platform types from accessing the rest endpoints. Next, create a file in ./custom/Extension/application/Ext/Platforms/ to map a new platform in the system. The following example adds a new platform called 'integration' that can be used throughout the system:


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