
2024-04-25 22:04:55 发布

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df1 =       lat      long    valA   count
        0   123.456  986.54  1      0
        1   223.456  886.54  2      0
        2   323.456  786.54  3      0
        3   423.456  686.54  2      0
        4   523.456  586.54  1      0

df2 =       lat      long    valB
        0   123.456  986.54  1
        1   223.456  886.54  2
        2   323.456  786.54  3
        3   423.456  686.54  2
        4   523.456  586.54  1






编辑: 目标是用df2的点数更新df1中的“count”列(如下所示),这些点数是<;1km,并输出到一个新文件中。在

df1 =       lat      long    valA   count
        0   123.456  986.54  1      3
        1   223.456  886.54  2      1
        2   323.456  786.54  3      9
        3   423.456  686.54  2      2
        4   523.456  586.54  1      5

Tags: 数据方法距离pandasforcount记录long

我最近也做过类似的事情,但不是用lat,lon做的,我只需要找到最近的点和它的距离。为此,我使用了scipy.space.cKDTree包装。速度相当快。 cKDTree

我认为在您的例子中,您可以使用查询\u ball_point()函数。在

from scipy import spatial
import pandas as pd

file1 = 'C:\\path\\file1.csv'    
file2 = 'C:\\path\\file2.csv' 

df1 = pd.read_csv(file1)
df2 = pd.read_csv(file2)
# Build the index
tree = spatial.cKDTree(df1[['long', 'lat']])
# Then query the index







import numpy as np
from geopy import distance

origin = (np.random.uniform(-90,90), np.random.uniform(-180,180))
dest = (np.random.uniform(-90,90), np.random.uniform(-180,180))

%timeit distance.distance(origin, dest)

每个回路216µs±363 ns(平均值±标准偏差,7次运行,每个回路1000次)

也就是说,在这个时间间隔内,计算1000万x 100万的距离大约需要2160亿秒或60万小时。即使是并行也只能起到这么大的作用。在

因为当点非常接近时,您会感兴趣,所以我建议使用Haversine distance(这在较大距离下不太准确)。在


每个回路1.85µs±53.9 ns(平均值±标准偏差,7次运行,每次100000次循环)


@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def get_nearby_count(coords, coords2, max_dist):
    Input: `coords`: List of coordinates, lat-lngs in an n x 2 array
           `coords2`: Second list of coordinates, lat-lngs in an k x 2 array
           `max_dist`: Max distance to be considered nearby
    Output: Array of length n with a count of coords nearby coords2
    # initialize
    n = coords.shape[0]
    k = coords2.shape[0]
    output = np.zeros(n)

    # prange is a parallel loop when operations are independent
    for i in prange(n):
        # comparing a point in coords to the arrays in coords2
        x, y = coords[i]
        # returns an array of length k
        dist = haversine(x, y, coords2[:,0], coords2[:,1])
        # sum the boolean of distances less than the max allowable
        output[i] = np.sum(dist < max_dist)

    return output


测试时间100000 x 10000:

n = 100_000
k = 10_000

coords1 = np.zeros((n, 2))
coords2 = np.zeros((k, 2))

coords1[:,0] = np.random.uniform(-90, 90, n)
coords1[:,1] = np.random.uniform(-180, 180, n)
coords2[:,0] = np.random.uniform(-90, 90, k)
coords2[:,1] = np.random.uniform(-180, 180, k)

%timeit get_nearby_count(coords1, coords2, 1.0)

每个回路2.45 s±73.2 ms(7次运行的平均值±标准偏差,每个回路1次)




PPS:1000000 x 100000(比全套小100倍)用了3分钟27秒(207秒),所以缩放看起来是线性的,有点宽容。在


@jit(nopython=True, parallel=True)
def get_nearby_count_vlat(coords, coords2, max_dist):
    Input: `coords`: List of coordinates, lat-lngs in an n x 2 array
           `coords2`: List of port coordinates, lat-lngs in an k x 2 array
           `max_dist`: Max distance to be considered nearby
    Output: Array of length n with a count of coords nearby coords2
    # initialize
    n = coords.shape[0]
    k = coords2.shape[0]
    coords2_abs = np.abs(coords2)
    output = np.zeros(n)

    # prange is a parallel loop when operations are independent
    for i in prange(n):
        # comparing a point in coords to the arrays in coords2
        point = coords[i]
        # subsetting coords2 to reduce haversine calc time. Value .02 is from playing with Gmaps and will need to change for max_dist > 1.0
        coords2_filtered = coords2[np.abs(point[0] - coords2[:,0]) < .02]
        # in case of no matches
        if coords2_filtered.shape[0] == 0: continue
        # returns an array of length k
        dist = haversine(point[0], point[1], coords2_filtered[:,0], coords2_filtered[:,1])
        # sum the boolean of distances less than the max allowable
        output[i] = np.sum(dist < max_dist)

    return output

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