Python regex在背对背的行中拆分字符串,中间有[可能]个空格

2024-06-02 06:38:46 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


input = """4. A drawer locli:ing device for ,t  
     15 tier of draivers, one of which is lock controllecl, comprising

     twc, drawer retainina m--mbe , rs loica@ted at the front of th-. 
     drawer@' oiie acljacept each side of the tier of dra,-wers ar,d
      arranged to 
     overlap the front of the,"""

output = re.finditer('\n[\S+]\n', nameString)?????????????????????

output[0] = "4. A drawer locli:ing device for ,t  
     15 tier of draivers, one of which is lock controllecl, comprising"
output[1] = "twc, drawer retainina m--mbe , rs loica@ted at the front of th-. 
     drawer@' oiie acljacept each side of the tier of dra,-wers ar,d
      arranged to 
     overlap the front of the,"

Tags: ofthewhichforoutputisdeviceone
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-02 06:38:46


>>> data = """4. A drawer locli:ing device for ,t  
         15 tier of draivers, one of which is lock controllecl, comprising

         twc, drawer retainina m mbe , rs loica@ted at the front of th-. 
         drawer@' oiie acljacept each side of the tier of dra,-wers ar,d
          arranged to 
         overlap the front of the,"""




>>> r = re.split(r'\n\s*\n', data) # for more than 2 newlines: r'\n[\s\n]*\n'


>>> r[0]
'4. A drawer locli:ing device for ,t  \n         15 tier of draivers, one of which is lock controllecl, comprising'
>>> r[1]
"         twc, drawer retainina m mbe , rs loica@ted at the front of th-. \n         drawer@' oiie acljacept each side of the tier of dra,-wers ar,d\n          arranged to \n         overlap the front of the,"

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