
2024-05-15 18:38:46 发布

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import numpy as np
cimport numpy as np

DTYPE = np.float
ctypedef np.float_t DTYPE_t

cimport cython

def compute_cython(u, PorosityProfile, DensityIceProfile, DensityDustProfile, DensityProfile):

    DustJ, DustF, DustG, DustH, DustI = 250.0, 633.0, 2.513, -2.2e-3, -2.8e-6   
    IceI, IceC, IceD, IceE, IceF, IceG, IceH =  273.16, 1.843e5, 1.6357e8, 3.5519e9, 1.6670e2,  6.4650e4, 1.6935e6

    delta = u-DustJ
    result_dust = DustF+DustG*delta+DustH*delta**2+DustI*(delta**3);

    x= u/IceI;
    result_ice = (x**3)*(IceC+IceD*(x**2)+IceE*(x**6))/(1+IceF*(x**2)+IceG*(x**4)+IceH*(x**8))

    return (DensityIceProfile*result_ice+DensityDustProfile*result_dust)/DensityProfile

def compute_cythonOptimized(np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] u, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] PorosityProfile, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] DensityIceProfile, np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] DensityDustProfile, np.ndarray DensityProfile):

    assert u.dtype == DTYPE
    assert PorosityProfile.dtype == DTYPE
    assert DensityIceProfile.dtype == DTYPE
    assert DensityDustProfile.dtype == DTYPE
    assert DensityProfile.dtype == DTYPE

    cdef float DustJ = 250.0
    cdef float DustF = 633.0  
    cdef float DustG = 2.513 
    cdef float DustH = -2.2e-3   
    cdef float DustI = -2.8e-6 
    cdef float IceI =  273.16
    cdef float IceC =  1.843e5 
    cdef float IceD =  1.6357e8 
    cdef float IceE =  3.5519e9 
    cdef float IceF =  1.6670e2 
    cdef float IceG =  6.4650e4
    cdef float IceH =  1.6935e6

    cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] delta = u-DustJ
    cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] result_dust = DustF+DustG*delta+DustH*delta**2+DustI*(delta**3);

    cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] x= u/IceI;
    cdef np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] result_ice = (x**3)*(IceC+IceD*(x**2)+IceE*(x**6))/(1+IceF*(x**2)+IceG*(x**4)+IceH*(x**8))

    return (DensityIceProfile*result_ice+DensityDustProfile*result_dust)/DensityProfile




对于纯python:68.9 µs ± 851 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

对于非优化cython:68.2 µs ± 685 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)

对于优化的一个:72.7 µs ± 416 ns per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 10000 loops each)



Tags: npassertresultfloatcythondeltandarraydtype





import numba as nb
import numpy as np
import time

def naive_Numba(u, PorosityProfile, DensityIceProfile, DensityDustProfile, DensityProfile):
  DustJ, DustF, DustG, DustH, DustI = 250.0, 633.0, 2.513, -2.2e-3, -2.8e-6   
  IceI, IceC, IceD, IceE, IceF, IceG, IceH =  273.16, 1.843e5, 1.6357e8, 3.5519e9, 1.6670e2,  6.4650e4, 1.6935e6

  delta = u-DustJ
  result_dust = DustF+DustG*delta+DustH*delta**2+DustI*(delta**3);

  x= u/IceI;
  result_ice = (x**3)*(IceC+IceD*(x**2)+IceE*(x**6))/(1+IceF*(x**2)+IceG*(x**4)+IceH*(x**8))

  return (DensityIceProfile*result_ice+DensityDustProfile*result_dust)/DensityProfile

#error_model='numpy' sets divison by 0 to NaN instead of throwing a exception, this allows vectorization
def improved_Numba(u, PorosityProfile, DensityIceProfile, DensityDustProfile, DensityProfile):
  DustJ, DustF, DustG, DustH, DustI = 250.0, 633.0, 2.513, -2.2e-3, -2.8e-6   
  IceI, IceC, IceD, IceE, IceF, IceG, IceH =  273.16, 1.843e5, 1.6357e8, 3.5519e9, 1.6670e2,  6.4650e4, 1.6935e6

  for i in range(u.shape[0]):
    delta = u[i]-DustJ
    result_dust = DustF+DustG*delta+DustH*delta**2+DustI*(delta**3);

    x= u[i]/IceI
    result_ice = (x**3)*(IceC+IceD*(x**2)+IceE*(x**6))/(1+IceF*(x**2)+IceG*(x**4)+IceH*(x**8))


  return res

#there is obviously a bug in Numba (declaring const values in the function)
def improved_Numba_p(u, PorosityProfile, DensityIceProfile, DensityDustProfile, DensityProfile,DustJ, DustF, DustG, DustH, DustI,IceI, IceC, IceD, IceE, IceF, IceG, IceH):

  for i in nb.prange(u.shape[0]):
    delta = u[i]-DustJ
    result_dust = DustF+DustG*delta+DustH*delta**2+DustI*(delta**3);

    x= u[i]/IceI
    result_ice = (x**3)*(IceC+IceD*(x**2)+IceE*(x**6))/(1+IceF*(x**2)+IceG*(x**4)+IceH*(x**8))


  return res

DustJ, DustF, DustG, DustH, DustI = 250.0, 633.0, 2.513, -2.2e-3, -2.8e-6
IceI, IceC, IceD, IceE, IceF, IceG, IceH =  273.16, 1.843e5, 1.6357e8, 3.5519e9, 1.6670e2,  6.4650e4, 1.6935e6

#don't measure compilation overhead on first call
res=improved_Numba_p(u, PorosityProfile, DensityIceProfile, DensityDustProfile, DensityProfile,DustJ, DustF, DustG, DustH, DustI,IceI, IceC, IceD, IceE, IceF, IceG, IceH) 
for i in range(1000):
  res=improved_Numba_p(u, PorosityProfile, DensityIceProfile, DensityDustProfile, DensityProfile,DustJ, DustF, DustG, DustH, DustI,IceI, IceC, IceD, IceE, IceF, IceG, IceH)






def improved_Numba(u, PorosityProfile, DensityIceProfile, DensityDustProfile, DensityProfile):
  DustJ, DustF, DustG, DustH, DustI = nb.float32(250.0), nb.float32(633.0), nb.float32(2.513), nb.float32(-2.2e-3), nb.float32(-2.8e-6)
  IceI, IceC, IceD, IceE, IceF, IceG, IceH =  nb.float32(273.16), nb.float32(1.843e5), nb.float32(1.6357e8), nb.float32(3.5519e9), nb.float32(1.6670e2),  nb.float32(6.4650e4), nb.float32(1.6935e6)

  for i in range(u.shape[0]):
    delta = u[i]-DustJ
    result_dust = DustF+DustG*delta+DustH*delta**2+DustI*(delta**3)

    x= u[i]/IceI
    result_ice = (x**3)*(IceC+IceD*(x**2)+IceE*(x**6))/(nb.float32(1)+IceF*(x**2)+IceG*(x**4)+IceH*(x**8))


  return res

def improved_Numba_p(u, PorosityProfile, DensityIceProfile, DensityDustProfile, DensityProfile):
  DustJ, DustF, DustG, DustH, DustI = nb.float32(250.0), nb.float32(633.0), nb.float32(2.513), nb.float32(-2.2e-3), nb.float32(-2.8e-6)
  IceI, IceC, IceD, IceE, IceF, IceG, IceH =  nb.float32(273.16), nb.float32(1.843e5), nb.float32(1.6357e8), nb.float32(3.5519e9), nb.float32(1.6670e2),  nb.float32(6.4650e4), nb.float32(1.6935e6)

  for i in nb.prange(u.shape[0]):
    delta = u[i]-DustJ
    result_dust = DustF+DustG*delta+DustH*delta**2+DustI*(delta**3)

    x= u[i]/IceI
    result_ice = (x**3)*(IceC+IceD*(x**2)+IceE*(x**6))/(nb.float32(1)+IceF*(x**2)+IceG*(x**4)+IceH*(x**8))


  return res


Arraysize np.random.rand(100).astype(np.float32)
Numpy             29.3µs
improved Numba:   1.33µs
improved_Numba_p: 18µs

Arraysize np.random.rand(1000000).astype(np.float32)
Numpy             117ms
improved Numba:   2.46ms
improved_Numba_p: 1.56ms





  • 您的数组都是一维的,这使得遍历数组中的每个项变得非常简单。我们不需要替换更困难的numpy函数,例如,因为代码中的所有操作都只将标量与矩阵结合起来。在
  • 虽然在python中使用for循环是不可想象的,但在cython中迭代每个索引是非常可行的。此外,最终输出中的每个项只依赖于对应于该项索引的输入(即第0项使用u[0]PorosityProfile[0]等)。在
  • 您对任何中间数组都不感兴趣,只对compute_python函数中返回的最终结果感兴趣。因此,为什么要浪费时间为所有这些中间numpy数组分配内存呢?在
  • 使用x**y语法的速度非常慢。我使用gcc编译器选项 ffast-math来显著改善这一点。我还使用了几个cython编译器指令来避免python检查和开销。在
  • 创建numpy数组本身可能会有python开销,因此我使用类型化memoryviews(无论如何,这是首选的、更新的语法)和malloc指针的组合来创建输出数组,而不需要与python进行太多交互(只有两行代码,获取输出大小和return语句显示了重要的python交互,如cython注释文件)。在



from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free

def compute_cython(float[:] u, float[:] porosity_profile, 
        float[:] density_ice_profile, float[:] density_dust_profile, 
        float[:] density_profile):    
        float dust_j, dust_f, dust_g, dust_h, dust_i
        float ice_i, ice_c, ice_d, ice_e, ice_f, ice_g, ice_h
        int size, i
        float dt, result_dust, x, dust
        float result_ice_numer, result_ice_denom, result_ice, ice
        float* out

    dust_j, dust_f, dust_g, dust_h, dust_i = \
        250.0, 633.0, 2.513, -2.2e-3, -2.8e-6
    ice_i, ice_c, ice_d, ice_e, ice_f, ice_g, ice_h = \
        273.16, 1.843e5, 1.6357e8, 3.5519e9, 1.6670e2, 6.4650e4, 1.6935e6
    size = len(u)
    out = <float *>malloc(size * sizeof(float))

    for i in range(size):
        dt = u[i] - dust_j
        result_dust = dust_f + (dust_g*dt) + (dust_h*dt**2) + (dust_i*dt**3)
        x = u[i] / ice_i
        result_ice_numer = x**3*(ice_c + ice_d*x**2 + ice_e*x**6)
        result_ice_denom = 1 + ice_f*x**2 + ice_g*x**4 + ice_h*x**8
        result_ice = result_ice_numer / result_ice_denom
        ice = density_ice_profile[i]*result_ice
        dust = density_dust_profile[i]*result_dust
        out[i] = (dust + ice)/density_profile[i]
    return <float[:size]>out




import numpy as np
import sublimation as sub

def compute_python(u, PorosityProfile, DensityIceProfile, DensityDustProfile, DensityProfile):
    DustJ, DustF, DustG, DustH, DustI = 250.0, 633.0, 2.513, -2.2e-3, -2.8e-6   
    IceI, IceC, IceD, IceE, IceF, IceG, IceH =  273.16, 1.843e5, 1.6357e8, 3.5519e9, 1.6670e2,  6.4650e4, 1.6935e6
    delta = u-DustJ
    result_dust = DustF+DustG*delta+DustH*delta**2+DustI*(delta**3)
    x = u/IceI
    result_ice = (x**3)*(IceC+IceD*(x**2)+IceE*(x**6))/(1+IceF*(x**2)+IceG*(x**4)+IceH*(x**8))
    return (DensityIceProfile*result_ice+DensityDustProfile*result_dust)/DensityProfile

size = 100
u = np.random.rand(size).astype(np.float32)
porosity = np.random.rand(size).astype(np.float32)
ice = np.random.rand(size).astype(np.float32)
dust = np.random.rand(size).astype(np.float32)
density = np.random.rand(size).astype(np.float32)

Run these from the terminal to out the performance!
python3 -m timeit -s "from main import compute_python, u, porosity, ice, dust, density" "compute_python(u, porosity, ice, dust, density)"
python3 -m timeit -s "from main import sub, u, porosity, ice, dust, density" "sub.compute_cython(u, porosity, ice, dust, density)"
python3 -m timeit -s "import numpy as np; from main import sub, u, porosity, ice, dust, density" "np.asarray(sub.compute_cython(u, porosity, ice, dust, density))"

The first command tests the python version. (10000 loops, best of 3: 45.5 usec per loop)
The second command tests the cython version, but returns just a memoryview object. (100000 loops, best of 3: 4.63 usec per loop)
The third command tests the cython version, but converts the result to a ndarray (slower). (100000 loops, best of 3: 6.3 usec per loop)




this great answer来看,在numpy数组和类型化memoryviews之间的自动转换中,在初始函数调用中(以及在返回语句中,如果您将结果转换回原处)都会发生一些开销。恢复为使用如下函数签名:

ctypedef np.float32_t DTYPE_t
def compute_cython_np(
        np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] u, 
        np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] porosity_profile, 
        np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] density_ice_profile, 
        np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] density_dust_profile, 
        np.ndarray[DTYPE_t, ndim=1] density_profile):

每次调用节省1us,将其减少到3.6us,而不是4.6us,这有点重要,特别是如果函数要多次调用。当然,如果您计划多次调用该函数,那么只传入二维numpy数组可能更有效,这样可以节省大量的python函数调用开销,并分摊numpy array -> typed memoryview转换的成本。此外,使用numpy结构的数组可能会很有趣,它可以在cython中转换为一个类型化的memoryview结构,因为这样可以使缓存中的所有数据更接近,并加快内存访问时间。在


from cython.parallel import prange
from libc.stdlib cimport malloc, free
def compute_cython_p(float[:] u, float[:] porosity_profile, 
        float[:] density_ice_profile, float[:] density_dust_profile, 
        float[:] density_profile):    
        float dust_j, dust_f, dust_g, dust_h, dust_i
        float ice_i, ice_c, ice_d, ice_e, ice_f, ice_g, ice_h
        int size, i
        float dt, result_dust, x, dust
        float result_ice_numer, result_ice_denom, result_ice, ice
        float* out

    dust_j, dust_f, dust_g, dust_h, dust_i = \
        250.0, 633.0, 2.513, -2.2e-3, -2.8e-6
    ice_i, ice_c, ice_d, ice_e, ice_f, ice_g, ice_h = \
        273.16, 1.843e5, 1.6357e8, 3.5519e9, 1.6670e2, 6.4650e4, 1.6935e6
    size = len(u)
    out = <float *>malloc(size * sizeof(float))

    for i in prange(size, nogil=True):
        dt = u[i] - dust_j
        result_dust = dust_f + (dust_g*dt) + (dust_h*dt**2) + (dust_i*dt**3)
        x = u[i] / ice_i
        result_ice_numer = x**3*(ice_c + ice_d*x**2 + ice_e*x**6)
        result_ice_denom = 1 + ice_f*x**2 + ice_g*x**4 + ice_h*x**8
        result_ice = result_ice_numer / result_ice_denom
        ice = density_ice_profile[i]*result_ice
        dust = density_dust_profile[i]*result_dust
        out[i] = (dust + ice)/density_profile[i]
    return <float[:size]>out



python3 -m timeit -s "from main import compute_python, u, porosity, ice, dust, density" "compute_python(u, porosity, ice, dust, density)"
python3 -m timeit -s "import numpy as np; from main import sub, u, porosity, ice, dust, density" "np.asarray(sub.compute_cython(u, porosity, ice, dust, density))"
python3 -m timeit -s "import numpy as np; from main import sub, u, porosity, ice, dust, density" "np.asarray(sub.compute_cython_p(u, porosity, ice, dust, density))"

size = 100
python: 44.7 usec per loop
cython serial: 4.44 usec per loop
cython parallel: 111 usec per loop
cython serial contiguous: 3.83 usec per loop
cython parallel contiguous: 116 usec per loop

size = 1000
python: 167 usec per loop
cython serial: 16.4 usec per loop
cython parallel: 115 usec per loop
cython serial contiguous: 8.24 usec per loop
cython parallel contiguous: 111 usec per loop

size = 10000
python: 1.32 msec per loop
cython serial: 128 usec per loop
cython parallel: 142 usec per loop
cython serial contiguous: 55.5 usec per loop
cython parallel contiguous: 150 usec per loop

size = 100000
python: 19.5 msec per loop
cython serial: 1.21 msec per loop
cython parallel: 691 usec per loop
cython serial contiguous: 473 usec per loop
cython parallel contiguous: 274 usec per loop

size = 1000000
python: 211 msec per loop
cython serial: 12.3 msec per loop
cython parallel: 5.74 msec per loop
cython serial contiguous: 4.82 msec per loop
cython parallel contiguous: 1.99 msec per loop

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