
2024-04-27 18:46:31 发布

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我有一个txt文件,有8列,我选择1列为我的特征提取,这给我13个特征值,输出数组的形状将是[1x13]。 类似地,我在一个文件夹中有5个txt文件,我想运行一个循环,这样返回的变量将有5x13数据。在

def loadinfofromfile(directory,sd,channel):
    # subdir selection and read file names in it for particular crack type.
    subdir, filenames = loadfilenamesindirectory(directory,sd)
    for i in range(5):
        # join the directory sub directory and the filename
        loadfile = os.path.join(directory,subdir,filenames[i])
        # load the values of that paticular file into tensor
        fileinfo = tf.constant(np.loadtxt(loadfile),tf.float32)
        # select the particular column data ( choosen from crack type, channel no)
        fileinfo_trans = tf.transpose(fileinfo)
        fileinfo_back = tf.gather(fileinfo_trans,channel)
        # extracting features from selected column data gives [1x13]
        pool = features.pooldata(fileinfo_back)
        poolfinal = tf.concat_v2([tf.expand_dims(pool,0)],axis=0)
    return poolfinal

在上面的函数中,我可以将[1x13]转换为变量“pool”,我期望变量poolfinal的大小为[5x13],但我得到的却是[1x13]。 如何在垂直方向上连接? 我在循环中犯了什么错误?在

Tags: and文件theintxtfortfchannel
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-27 18:46:31

每个循环从sctratch创建pool和poolfinal。这就是为什么在poolfinal中只能看到一个数据。 请尝试以下操作:

pools = []
for ...:
poolfinal = tf.concat_v2(pools, axis=0)

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