
2024-06-17 12:47:54 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

在python中,我尝试创建一个服务来维护SflPhone(dbus服务)和外部应用程序之间的调用事件,当我启动SimpleXMLRPCServer时,我的服务不再响应任何调用事件,例如on_call_state_changed function was not call。在

当我注释出thread.start_new_thread(start_server(s,))时,一切都很好。我不知道怎么把这两件事结合起来。有人能帮忙吗? 谢谢。在

import dbus
from dbus.mainloop.glib import DBusGMainLoop
import gobject
from gobject import GObject
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import thread
from os import path

class SlfPhoneConnector :

    def __init__(self) :

        self.activeCalls = {}

        account = {
            "username" : "1111", 
            "Account.type" : "SIP", 
            "hostname" : "", 
            "Account.alias" : "1111", 
            "Account.enable" : "TRUE"

        session = dbus.SessionBus()

        conf_obj = session.get_object("org.sflphone.SFLphone", "/org/sflphone/SFLphone/ConfigurationManager")  
        self.conf_mgr = dbus.Interface(conf_obj ,"org.sflphone.SFLphone.ConfigurationManager")

        call_obj = session.get_object("org.sflphone.SFLphone", "/org/sflphone/SFLphone/CallManager")  
        self.call_mgr = dbus.Interface(call_obj ,"org.sflphone.SFLphone.CallManager")

        self.call_mgr.connect_to_signal('incomingCall', self.on_incoming_call)
        self.call_mgr.connect_to_signal('callStateChanged', self.on_call_state_changed)

        self.account_id = self.conf_mgr.addAccount(account)

        self.conf_mgr.sendRegister(self.account_id, 1)           

        #self.call_mgr.placeCall(self.account_id, self.account_id, "2222" )  

    def on_incoming_call(self, account, callid, to):
        print "Incoming call: " + account + ", " + callid + ", " + to
        self.activeCalls[callid] = {'Account': account, 'To': to, 'State': '' }   


    # On call state changed event, set the values for new calls, 
    # or delete the call from the list of active calls
    def on_call_state_changed(self, callid, state):
        print "Call state changed: " + callid + ", " + state
        if state == "HUNGUP":
                del self.activeCalls[callid]
            except KeyError:
                print "Call " + callid + " didn't exist. Cannot delete."

        elif state in [ "RINGING", "CURRENT", "INCOMING", "HOLD" ]:
                self.activeCalls[callid]['State'] = state 
            except KeyError, e:
                print "This call didn't exist!: " + callid + ". Adding it to the list."
                callDetails = self.getCallDetails(callid)
                self.activeCalls[callid] = {'Account': callDetails['ACCOUNTID'], 'To': callDetails['PEER_NUMBER'], 'State': state }
        elif state in [ "BUSY", "FAILURE" ]:
                del self.activeCalls[callid]
            except KeyError, e:
                print "This call didn't exist!: " + callid   

    def getCallDetails(self, callid):
        """Return informations on this call if exists"""
        return self.call_mgr.getCallDetails(callid)

    def place_call(self, callid):
        self.call_mgr.placeCall(self.account_id, self.account_id, callid)

    def hangup(self) :
        call0 = self.activeCalls.keys()[0]

def start_server(obj):
    server = SimpleXMLRPCServer( ("localhost", 9988), allow_none= True)

    print "server start @localhost 9988 forever ..."

if __name__ == "__main__" :

    s  = SlfPhoneConnector()


    ... {{ another code here }}

    #loop = gobject.MainLoop()

Tags: orgimportselfobjserverondefaccount