
2024-05-29 10:26:14 发布

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# number of balloons
children = int(input("Enter number of balloons: "))

# number of children coming to the party
balloons = int(input("Enter the number of children coming to the party: "))

# number of balloons each child will receive
receive_balloons = int(balloons % children)

# number of balloons leftover for decorations
remaining = children % balloons

print("{:s}""{:d}""{:s}""{:d}".format("Number of balloons  for each child is ", receive_balloons, " and the amount leftover is ", remaining))

print(balloons, "", (remaining))

Tags: ofthetonumberinputpartyintreceive


balloons = int(input("Enter number of balloons: "))
children = int(input("Enter the number of children coming to the party: "))

receive_balloons = balloons // children
remaining = balloons % children

# Alternatively
receive_balloons, remaining = divmod(balloons, children)

print("Number of balloons for each child is {} and the amount leftover is {}".format(receive_balloons, remaining))




Enter number of balloons: 10
Enter the number of children coming to the party: 8
Number of balloons for each child is 1 and the amount leftover is 2



# number of balloons
balloons = int(input("Enter number of balloons: "))

# number of children coming to the party
children = int(input("Enter the number of children coming to the party: "))

receive_balloons, remaining = (balloons // children, balloons % children)

print("{:s}""{:d}""{:s}""{:d}".format("Number of balloons  for each child is ", receive_balloons, " and the amount leftover is ", remaining))

print(balloons, "", (remaining))

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