
2024-04-20 15:09:45 发布

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Modify the find_sum() function so that it prints the average of the values entered. Unlike the average() function from before, we can’t use the len() function to find the length of the sequence; instead, you’ll have to introduce another variable to “count” the values as they are entered.


# Finds the total of a sequence of numbers entered by user 
def find_sum(): 
     total = 0 
     entry = raw_input("Enter a value, or q to quit: ") 
     while entry != "q": 
         total += int(entry) 
         entry = raw_input("Enter a value, or q to quit: ") 
     print "The total is", total 

Tags: ofthetoinputrawfunctionfindtotal


# Finds the total of a sequence of numbers entered by user 
def find_sum(): 
     total, iterationCount = 0, 0 # multiple assignment
     entry = raw_input("Enter a value, or q to quit: ") 
     while entry != "q": 
         iterationCount += 1
         total += int(entry) 
         entry = raw_input("Enter a value, or q to quit: ") 
     print "The total is", total 
     print "Total numbers:", iterationCount


# Finds the total of a sequence of numbers entered by user
def find_sum(): 
     total = []
     entry = raw_input("Enter a value, or q to quit: ") 
     while entry != "q": 
         iterationCount += 1
         entry = raw_input("Enter a value, or q to quit: ") 
     print "The total is", sum(total)
     print "Total numbers:", len(total)

每次读取输入total += int(entry)时,紧接着应该递增一个变量。

num += 1就是在其他地方将其初始化为0之后所需要的全部。


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