
2024-06-10 18:54:14 发布

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|    |   table_num | name          |   salary |
|  0 |      001234 | John Johnson  |     1200 |
|  1 |      001234 | John Johnson  |     1000 |
|  2 |      001235 | John Johnson  |     1000 |
|  3 |      001235 | John Johnson  |     1200 |
|  4 |      001235 | John Johnson  |     1000 |
|  5 |      001235 | Steve Stevens |     1000 |
|  6 |      001236 | Steve Stevens |     1200 |
|  7 |      001236 | Steve Stevens |     1200 |
|  8 |      001236 | Steve Stevens |     1200 |



我需要添加一列有关加薪/降薪的信息。 我使用shift()函数比较行中的值。在





# giving us only unique combination of 'table_num' and 'name'
    # since there can be same 'table_num' for different 'name'
    # and same names with different 'table_num' appears sometimes

names_df = df[['table_num', 'name']].drop_duplicates()

# then extracting particular name and table_num from Series
for i in range(len(names_df)):    ### Bottleneck of whole script ###    
    t = names_df.iloc[i,[0,1]][0]
    n = names_df.iloc[i,[0,1]][1]

    # using shift() and lambda to check if there difference between two rows 
    diff_sal = (df[(df['table_num']==t)
               & ((df['name']==n))]['salary'] - df[(df['table_num']==t)
                                                 & ((df['name']==n))]['salary'].shift(1)).apply(lambda x: 1 if x>0 else (-1 if x<0 else 0))
    df.loc[diff_sal.index, 'inc'] = diff_sal.values


df = pd.DataFrame({'table_num': ['001234','001234','001235','001235','001235','001235','001236','001236','001236'], 
                     'name': ['John Johnson','John Johnson','John Johnson','John Johnson','John Johnson', 'Steve Stevens', 'Steve Stevens', 'Steve Stevens', 'Steve Stevens'], 


|    |   table_num | name          |   salary |   inc |
|  0 |      001234 | John Johnson  |     1200 |     0 |
|  1 |      001234 | John Johnson  |     1000 |    -1 |
|  2 |      001235 | John Johnson  |     1000 |     0 |
|  3 |      001235 | John Johnson  |     1200 |     1 |
|  4 |      001235 | John Johnson  |     1000 |    -1 |
|  5 |      001235 | Steve Stevens |     1000 |     0 |
|  6 |      001236 | Steve Stevens |     1200 |     0 |
|  7 |      001236 | Steve Stevens |     1200 |     0 |
|  8 |      001236 | Steve Stevens |     1200 |     0 |

Tags: and数据namedfifshiftnamestable


df['new'] = np.sign(df.groupby(['table_num', 'name'])['salary'].diff().fillna(0)).astype(int)
print (df)
   table_num           name  salary  new
0       1234   John Johnson    1200    0
1       1234   John Johnson    1000   -1
2       1235   John Johnson    1000    0
3       1235   John Johnson    1200    1
4       1235   John Johnson    1000   -1
5       1235  Steve Stevens    1000    0
6       1236  Steve Stevens    1200    0
7       1236  Steve Stevens    1200    0
8       1236  Steve Stevens    1200    0


df['inc'] = df.groupby(['table_num', 'name'])['salary'].diff().fillna(0.0)
df.loc[df['inc'] > 0.0, 'inc'] = 1.0
df.loc[df['inc'] < 0.0, 'inc'] = -1.0



df.assign(inc=lambda x: x.groupby(['name'])
                      .transform(lambda y: y - y.shift(1))
                      .apply(lambda x: 1 if x>0 else (-1 if x<0 else 0))



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