
2024-06-07 00:35:27 发布

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responses = {}

polling_active = True

print("Welcome to the cash register. Insert your product name and price to be able to calculate your final total")

total = 0

while polling_active:
    product = input("\nProduct Name: ")
    total += float(input("Price: "))

    responses[product] = total

    repeat = input("Is this your final checkout? (Yes/No)")
    if repeat == 'no':
        polling_active = True
    elif repeat == 'No':
        polling_active = True
    elif repeat == 'Yes':
        polling_active = False
    elif repeat == 'yes':
        polling_active = False
        print("That operation is invalid")

print("\n---Final Checkout---")
for product, price in responses.items():
    print(product + " is $" + str(total))

print("\n---Total Price---")
print("Store Price is: ")
print("$" + str(total))

print("\n---Tax Price---")
print("Your price with tax is: ")

total = total * 1.13

print("$" + "{0:.2f}".format(float(total)))

print("\nThank you for shopping with us! Have a great day!")


Tags: totrueinputyourisresponsesproductprice
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-07 00:35:27


responses = {}

polling_active = True

print("Welcome to the cash register. Insert your product name and price to be able to calculate your final total")

while polling_active:
    product = input("\nProduct Name: ")
    price = float(input("Price: "))

    responses[str(product)] = price

    repeat = raw_input("Is this your final checkout? (Yes/No)")
    if repeat.lower() == 'no':
        polling_active = True
    elif repeat.lower() == 'yes':
        polling_active = False
        print("That operation is invalid")

print("\n -Final Checkout -")
for product, price in responses.items():
    print(product + " is $" + str(price))

print("\n -Total Price -")
print("Store Price is: ")
total= sum(responses.values())
print("$" + str(total))

print("\n -Tax Price -")
print("Your price with tax is: ")

total = total * 1.13

print("$" + "{0:.2f}".format(float(total)))

print("\nThank you for shopping with us! Have a great day!")


整数: enter image description here

浮动: enter image description here

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