
2024-05-16 05:43:55 发布

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name = raw_input('What is your name?\n')
game = raw_input('\nWhat MOBA do you play/have played? \n(The answer ' \
    'must be case sensitive i.e. LoL for League and DoTA for y\'know the whole darn thing '\
    'is too '\
    'darn long to say even though I typed a lot more than the name)\n')

if game in ('League' , 'League of Legends' , 'LoL'):
    print '\nYou go girl! '
if game in ('DoTA' , 'DoTA 2' , 'DoTA2'):
    print '\nThat\'s cool and all but........ Go play League you dang noob. '
    print '\nAre you kidding me? You play %s? I\'m severely disappointed in you %s.  You ' \
        'should at least be playing ' \
        'one of these popular games. \nShame, shame, shame. Go install one. ' % (game, name)

Tags: nameinyougameinputplayrawif


name = raw_input('What is your name?\n')
game = (raw_input('\nWhat MOBA do you play/have played?')).lower()

awesomeGames=['league' , 'league of legends' , 'lol']
coolGames=['dota' , 'dota 2' , 'dota2']
if game in awesomeGames:
    print '\nYou go girl! '
elif game in coolGames:
    print '\nThat\'s cool and all but........ Go play League you dang noob. '
    print '\nAre you kidding me? You play %s? I\'m severely disappointed in you %s.  You ' \
    'should at least be playing ' \
    'one of these popular games. \nShame, shame, shame. Go install one. ' % (game, name)

缩进级别不正确。 为第二个if语句再花一个空格。 或者少1个空格和elif而不是第二个if。在


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