
2024-06-06 12:06:33 发布

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for x in range(1,s):
    for b in range (1,t):
        if tagname1[x]== tagname2[b]:   
            if int(aapos1[b]) <= int(aapos[x])<= int(aapos2[b]): 
                snps = snps + 1  
            elif int(synonymous[x]) == 0: 
                nonsyntwo = nonsyntwo + 1
            elif int(synonymous[x]) == 1: 
                syntwo = syntwo + 1 
        elif tagname1[x]!= tagname2[b]: 
            if int(synonymous[x]) == 0: 
                nonsyntwo = nonsyntwo + 1
            elif int(synonymous[x]) == 1: 
                syntwo = syntwo + 1

Tags: 文件标记程序if数字int意义elif



So there are two files that contains names of mutations and a number, called aapos, associated with that mutation. [...] In addition, in each of these files, there is a column called 'synonymous' [...] within the range of aapos1 and aapos2 in file number 2

  1. 你有两个文件。在
  2. 第一个文件有三列:tagname, appos, synonymous。在
  3. 第二个文件有四列:tagname, aapos, appos2, synonymous。在

Now, the mutations in file number 2 have a specific biological signifiance, so what I'm trying to do is see whether the mutation name (called tagname in my program) in file 1 is equivalent to the tagname in file 2, and whether the aapos number for that particular mutation falls within the range of aapos1 and aapos2 in file number 2. [...] If these 2 conditions are met, then the mutation I have in file 1 has a special biological significance, let's call it category 1

  1. 如果第一列与file1中的第一列匹配,则需要检查file2中的每一行
  2. 如果匹配,并且第二列在file2中第二列和第三列的范围内,则需要将该行添加到名为category1的集合中;否则添加到另一个名为category2的集合中。在

in each of these files, there is a column called 'synonymous' and for each mutation in file 1, the synonymous column is assigned a number of 0 or 1. Now this is what I want to do: For each mutation that belongs to CATEGORY 2, if the 'synonymous' column for that mutation is 0, I want the counter 'nonsyntwo' to add 1, and if it is 1, then I want the counter 'syntwo' to add 1.

  1. category2集合中获取每个项目,并计算1和0的数量


import csv
from collections import Counter

with open('file1.txt') as f:
   reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
   file1 = list(reader)

with open('file2.txt') as f:
   reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter=',')
   file2 = list(reader)

cat1 = []
cat2 = []

for line in file2:
   for line2 in file1:
      if line[0] == line2[0]:
          if int(line2[1]) <= int(line[1]) <= int(line2[2]):

counter = Counter(line[3] for line in cat2)
nonsyntwo = counter['0']
syntwo = counter['1']


elif tagname1[x]!= tagname2[b]: 
        if int(synonymous[x]) == 0: 
            nonsyntwo = nonsyntwo + 1
        elif int(synonymous[x]) == 1: 
            syntwo = syntwo + 1



aapos = map(int, appos)
aapos1 = map(int, appos1)
aapos2 = map(int, appos2)
synonyms = map(int, synonyms) # or are they already?
for x in range(1,s):
    for b in range (1,t):
        # Here, x and b go from 1 to s resp t.
        # So you are always missing [0] of the array. 
        # Doing
        x, b = x-1, b-1
        # is not very clean, but it helps for now.
        checksyn = True
        if tagname1[x] == tagname2[b]:
            if aapos1[b] <= aapos[x] <= aapos2[b]:
                snps += 1
                checksyn = False
        if checksyn:
            if synonymous[x] == 0: 
                nonsyntwo += 1
            elif synonymous[x] == 1: # if 1 is the only other possible value, an else: would be enough here.
                syntwo += 1

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