
2024-04-19 02:08:13 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


当我试图保存“总价”列表中的最后一个总价时,它没有保存。 我做错什么了?在

还有,有没有更好的方法来写这个? 谢谢你

price_list = {'gold': 10,
              'red': 20,
              'brown': 30

vol_list = {'gold': 0.1,
            'red': 0.2,
            'brown': 0.3

cl_list = {'gold': 100,
           'red': 200,
           'brown': 300

while True:
    print("What do you want to buy?")
    choice = input("Choices: gold, red or brown > ")

    amount = int(input("How many do you want? >"))

    price = price_list[choice] * amount
    vol = (cl_list[choice] * amount) * vol_list[choice]

    total_price = []
    total_vol = []


    print_price = sum(total_price[:])
    print_vol = sum(total_vol[:])

    print("-" * 10)
    print("Your total is now: ", print_price)
    print("Your total vol is now: ", print_vol)
    print("-" * 10)

    cont = input("Do you want to continue shopping [Y/n]?> ")
if cont == "n" or cont == "no":
    print("#" * 10)
    print("#" * 10)
    print("Your total is: ", print_price)
    print("Your total vol is: ", print_vol)
    print("#" * 10)
    print("#" * 10)

Tags: youinputyourisredamountpricelist