
2024-04-26 17:20:05 发布

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In [1]: import math

In [2]: math.cos(0)
Out[2]: 1.0

In [3]: del math.cos

In [4]: math.cos(0)
AttributeError                            Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-4-9cdcc157d079> in <module>()
----> 1 math.cos(0)

AttributeError: module 'math' has no attribute 'cos'



Tags: 函数indefaultfortypeipythoncustombit

好吧,各位,我写了一个小模块来解决这个困惑。 我真诚地怀疑这是没有错误的。因此,改进是受欢迎的。在


# rld.py  > the reloading module

import sys

__all__ = ["reload"]

    # Python 2:
    _reload = reload
    from thread import get_ident
    def reload (module):
        if isinstance(module, basestring):
            module = sys.modules[module]
        if module.__name__==__name__:
            raise RuntimeError("Reloading the reloading module is not supported!")
        print ("Reloading: %s" % module.__name__)
        # Get locals() of a frame that called us:
        ls = sys._current_frames()[get_ident()].f_back.f_locals
        # Find variables holding the module:
        vars = [name for name, mod in ls.iteritems() if mod==module]
        if len(vars)==0:
            print ("Warning: Module '%s' has no references in this scope.\nReload will be attempted anyway." % module.__name__)
            print("Module is referenced as: %s" % repr(vars))
        # Reload:
        m = _reload(module)
        for x in vars:
            ls[x] = m
except NameError:
    # Python 3:
    from _thread import get_ident
    def reload (module):
        if isinstance(module, str):
            module = sys.modules[module]
        if module.__name__==__name__:
            raise RuntimeError("Reloading the reloading module is not supported!")
        print ("Reloading: %s" % module.__name__)
        # Get locals() of a frame that called us:
        ls = sys._current_frames()[get_ident()].f_back.f_locals
        # Find variables holding the module:
        vars = [name for name, mod in ls.items() if mod==module]
        if len(vars)==0:
            print ("Warning: Module '%s' has no references in this scope.\nReload will be attempted anyway." % module.__name__)
            print("Module is referenced as: %s" % repr(vars))
        # Dereference all detected:
        for x in vars:
            del ls[x]
        del sys.modules[module.__name__]
        # Reimport:
        m = __import__(module.__name__)
        # Rebind to old variables:
        for x in vars:
            ls[x] = m
        # Remap references in the old module
        # to redirect all other modules that already imported that module:
        for vname in dir(m):
            setattr(module, vname, getattr(m, vname))

>>> # Usage:
>>> from rld import * # Always import it first - just in case
>>> import math
>>> math.cos
<built-in function cos>
>>> del math.cos
>>> math.cos
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'cos'
>>> reload(math)
Reloading: math
Module is referenced as: ['math']
>>> math.cos
<built-in function cos>
>>> #            -
>>> # This also works:
>>> import math as quiqui
>>> alias = quiqui
>>> del quiqui.cos
>>> quiqui.cos
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'cos'
>>> alias.cos
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'cos'
>>> reload("math")
Reloading: math
Module is referenced as: ['alias', 'quiqui']
>>> quiqui.cos
<built-in function cos>
>>> alias.cos
<built-in function cos>


Beware though, as if you keep a reference to the module object, invalidate its cache entry in sys.modules, and then re-import the named module, the two module objects will not be the same. By contrast, importlib.reload() will reuse the same module object, and simply reinitialise the module contents by rerunning the module’s code.



import math,sys
del math.cos
del math
sys.modules.pop("math")   # remove from loaded modules
import math




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