
2024-06-16 12:41:31 发布

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<Instance ID="1">
<MetaInfo StudentID ="DTSU040" TaskID="LP03_PR09.bLK.sh"  DataSource="DeepTutorSummer2014"/>
<ProblemDescription>A car windshield collides with a mosquito, squashing it.</ProblemDescription>
<Question>How does this work tion?</Question>
<Answer>tthis is my best  </Answer>
<Annotation Label="correct(0)|correct_but_incomplete(1)|contradictory(0)|incorrect(0)">
<AdditionalAnnotation ContextRequired="0" ExtraInfoInAnswer="0"/>
<Comments Watch="1"> The student forgot to tell the opposite force. Opposite means opposite direction, which is important here. However, one can argue that the opposite is implied. See the reference answers.</Comments>
1:  Since the windshield exerts a force on the mosquito, which we can call action, the mosquito exerts an equal and opposite force on the windshield, called the reaction.




Tags: the数据instanceanswerwhichisannotationcomments


  • 对循环变量node调用.find,要求存在一个子节点:current_node.find('child_of_current_node')。但是,由于所有的节点都是根的子节点,所以不需要维护自己的子节点,所以不需要循环
  • 不检查NoneType,这可能是由于缺少带有find()的节点而导致的,并阻止检索{}或{}或其他属性
  • 不使用.text检索节点内容,否则返回<Element...对象

考虑使用ternary condition expressiona if condition else b进行此调整,以确保变量具有值,而不管:

rows = []

s_name = xroot.attrib.get("ID")
s_student = xroot.find("StudentID").text if xroot.find("StudentID") is not None else None
s_task = xroot.find("TaskID").text if xroot.find("TaskID") is not None else None      
s_source = xroot.find("DataSource").text if xroot.find("DataSource") is not None else None
s_desc = xroot.find("ProblemDescription").text if xroot.find("ProblemDescription") is not None else None
s_question = xroot.find("Question").text if xroot.find("Question") is not None else None    
s_ans = xroot.find("Answer").text if xroot.find("Answer") is not None else None
s_label = xroot.find("Label").text if xroot.find("Label") is not None else None
s_contextrequired = xroot.find("ContextRequired").text if xroot.find("ContextRequired") is not None else None
s_extraInfoinAnswer = xroot.find("ExtraInfoInAnswer").text if xroot.find("ExtraInfoInAnswer") is not None else None
s_comments = xroot.find("Comments").text if xroot.find("Comments") is not None else None
s_watch = xroot.find("Watch").text if xroot.find("Watch") is not None else None
s_referenceAnswers = xroot.find("ReferenceAnswers").text if xroot.find("ReferenceAnswers") is not None else None

rows.append({"ID": s_name,"StudentID":s_student, "TaskID": s_task, 
             "DataSource": s_source, "ProblemDescription": s_desc , 
             "Question": s_question , "Answer": s_ans ,"Label": s_label,
             "s_contextrequired": s_contextrequired , "ExtraInfoInAnswer": s_extraInfoinAnswer ,
             "Comments": s_comments ,  "Watch": s_watch, "ReferenceAnswers": s_referenceAnswers     

out_df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns = df_cols)




rows = [{node.tag: node.text} for node in xroot]
out_df = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns = df_cols)

解决方案中的问题是“元素数据提取”没有正确完成。您在问题中提到的xml嵌套在几个层中。这就是为什么我们需要递归地读取和提取数据。在这种情况下,下面的解决方案应该能满足您的需要。尽管我鼓励你看一下this article和{a2}以获得更清晰的理解。在


import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
#import os
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET

def xml2df(xml_source, df_cols, source_is_file = False, show_progress=True): 
    """Parse the input XML source and store the result in a pandas 
    DataFrame with the given columns. 

    For xml_source = xml_file, Set: source_is_file = True
    For xml_source = xml_string, Set: source_is_file = False

    <element attribute_key1=attribute_value1, attribute_key2=attribute_value2>
        <child1>Child 1 Text</child1>
        <child2>Child 2 Text</child2>
        <child3>Child 3 Text</child3>
    Note that for an xml structure as shown above, the attribute information of 
    element tag can be accessed by list(element). Any text associated with <element> tag can be accessed
    as element.text and the name of the tag itself can be accessed with
    if source_is_file:
        xtree = ET.parse(xml_source) # xml_source = xml_file
        xroot = xtree.getroot()
        xroot = ET.fromstring(xml_source) # xml_source = xml_string
    consolidator_dict = dict()
    default_instance_dict = {label: None for label in df_cols}

    def get_children_info(children, instance_dict):
        # We avoid using element.getchildren() as it is deprecated.
        # Instead use list(element) to get a list of attributes.
        for child in children:
            #print(child.getchildren()) # deprecated method
            if len(list(child))>0:
                instance_dict = get_children_info(list(child), 

            if len(list(child.keys()))>0:
                items = child.items()
                instance_dict.update({key: value for (key, value) in items})             

            instance_dict.update({child.tag: child.text})
        return instance_dict

    # Loop over all instances
    for instance in list(xroot):
        instance_dict = default_instance_dict.copy()           
        ikey, ivalue = instance.items()[0] # The first attribute is "ID"
        instance_dict.update({ikey: ivalue}) 
        if show_progress:
            print('{}: {}={}'.format(instance.tag, ikey, ivalue))
        # Loop inside every instance
        instance_dict = get_children_info(list(instance), 

        #consolidator_dict.update({ivalue: instance_dict.copy()}) 
        consolidator_dict[ivalue] = instance_dict.copy()       
    df = pd.DataFrame(consolidator_dict).T 
    df = df[df_cols]

    return df





注意:您需要安装^{}才能使用方法2。这个方法的灵感来自@martin blech在How to convert XML to JSON in Python? [duplicate] 提出的解决方案。为制作它而向@martin-blech致敬。在

pip install -U xmltodict


def read_recursively(x, instance_dict):  
    txt = ''
    for key in x.keys():
        k = key.replace("@","")
        if k in df_cols: 
            if isinstance(x.get(key), dict):
                instance_dict, txt = read_recursively(x.get(key), instance_dict)
            instance_dict.update({k: x.get(key)})
            #print('{}: {}'.format(k, x.get(key)))
            #print('else: {}: {}'.format(k, x.get(key)))
            # dig deeper if value is another dict
            if isinstance(x.get(key), dict):
                instance_dict, txt = read_recursively(x.get(key), instance_dict)                
            # add simple text associated with element
            if k=='#text':
                txt = x.get(key)
        # update text to corresponding parent element    
        if (k!='#text') and (txt!=''):
            instance_dict.update({k: txt})
    return (instance_dict, txt)


import xmltodict, json

o = xmltodict.parse(xml_string) # INPUT: XML_STRING
#print(json.dumps(o)) # uncomment to see xml to json converted string

consolidated_dict = dict()
oi = o['Instances']['Instance']

for x in oi:
    instance_dict = dict()
    instance_dict, _ = read_recursively(x, instance_dict)
    consolidated_dict.update({x.get("@ID"): instance_dict.copy()})
df = pd.DataFrame(consolidated_dict).T
df = df[df_cols]

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