
2024-05-29 05:34:38 发布

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class Node:

        def __init__(self, next = None, stairs = None):
            self.next = next
            self.stairs = stairs

Tags: selfnonenodefalse列表节点init链接


  1. 计算链表中有多少节点(例如,取一个新变量N=0,并在每次运行play函数的第一个循环时递增它)。然后在第二个循环中计算访问了多少个节点。一旦这个数字大于N,您就知道至少有一个节点被访问了至少两次,因此您检测到一个圆,需要break退出循环(或return)。在
def play(first, step):
    '''(LinkedList, int) -> bool
    # locates the end_node
    end_list = first
    found = False
    # Used to find Node population
    N = 0
    while end_list.next != None and found != True:
        if end_list.next == first:
            found = True
            end_list = end_list.next
        N = N + 1
    stepcount = 1
    count = 1
    current = first
    winner = False
    loop = False
    # Goes through the linked list
    while current != None and winner != True and loop != True:

        # If count == step, then we check if we are at the last square or  
        # else if we are on a stairs then we may use them. 
        # If none of them are found then we itterate normally making count back to 1.
        # If stepcount passes the overall N (population of all the nodes),     then it will detect a loop

        if stepcount > N:
            loop = True #one node has been visited more than once so there is a loop
        elif count == step:
            if current == end_list:
                winner = True
            elif current.stairs:
                current = current.stairs
                count = 0
                current = current.next
                count = 0
            stepcount = stepcount + 1
            current = current.next
            count = count + 1
    return current == end_list
  1. 跟踪您访问过的节点:要做到这一点,您只需向您访问的每个节点添加一个新属性(即node.visited = True)。在函数play的开始(即在初始循环中),您需要确保结构是干净的,即set node.visited = False。如果您不想在函数play被调用后更改节点,那么可以在末尾的另一个循环中删除它们(即del node.visited)。在


  1. 使用某种类型的节点或路径禁用,就像我上次建议的那样。你的帖子没有提到为什么这对你无效。在
  2. 计算您已经采取了多少步骤,并与节点总体进行比较(称之为N)。如果你不走到终点就走了n步,那么你就陷入了一个循环。在
  3. 尝试构建一个新列表,其中包含从开始到最终节点的步骤。这是一个严格的线性链接列表,例如START->;3->;6或START->;1->;2->;3。。。如果你试图添加一个已经在这个链接列表中的节点,那么你就有了一个循环。在

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