MongoDB或PostGreSQL,哪一个与Python Django、Express和Node js更优?

2024-06-16 14:02:00 发布

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Tags: 数据库属性postgresqlmongodb帐户借记acid贷记
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-16 14:02:00

SQL RDBMS绝对是您的选择。如果您在Mongo和PostgreSQL之间进行选择,那么PostgreSQL将是答案。在


MongoDB may not be a good fit for some applications. For example, applications that require complex transactions (e.g., a double-entry bookkeeping system) and scan-oriented applications that access large subsets of the data most of the time may not be a good fit for MongoDB. MongoDB is not a drop-in replacement for legacy applications built around the relational data model and SQL.

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