
2024-04-28 04:11:10 发布

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class Scene(object): # class Scene has-a function named enter

    def enter(self): # create enter function

class Engine(object):

    def __init__(self, scene_map):
        self.scene_map = scene_map

    def play(self):
        last_scene = self.scene_map.next_scene('Lust')
        current_scene = self.scene_map.opening_scene()

        while current_scene != last_scene:
            next_scene_name = current_scene.enter()
            current_scene = self.scene_map.next_scene(next_scene_name)


class Death(Scene):

    def enter(self):

class Limbo(Scene):

    def enter(self):
        print """               In Limbo reside the unbaptized and the virtuous pagans
                who, although not sinful, did not accept Christ.
                Without baptism, they lacked the hope for something
                greater than rational minds can conceive.
                You find yourself within Limbo, even though you weren't
                a Pagan.  How strange!  You look around, and see a man
                that looks like someone important, but you don't know
                who he is.  What do you do?"""
        action = raw_input("> ")
        if raw_input == "Walk around" or raw_input == "walk around":
            print "You walk around for a bit, admiring the scenery.  You get bored quickly."
        elif raw_input == "talk to the man":
            print ""
            print 'Lust'

class Lust(Scene):

    def enter(self):

class Map(object):

    scenes = { # create a dictionary of the scenes you want to use
        'limbo': Limbo(),
        'lust': Lust(),

    def __init__(self, start_scene):
        self.start_scene = start_scene

    def next_scene(self, scene_name):
        val = Map.scenes.get(scene_name)
        return val

    def opening_scene(self):
        return self.next_scene(self.start_scene)




Tags: thenameselfyoumapdefcurrentscene