
2024-06-17 10:12:08 发布

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  1. sudo apt-get install apache2
  2. sudo a2dismod mpm_event
  3. sudo a2enmod mpm_prefork
  4. sudo service apache2 restart
  5. sudo a2enmod cgi
  6. sudo service apache2 restart



#! /usr/bin/python
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
print "Hello, world!"







一些人建议将AddHandler cgi script.py.cgi添加到/etc/apache2/confenabled/serve cgi中-宾.conf如果在Apache上运行脚本时遇到问题。但出于某种原因,这对我的情况没有任何影响。为什么?在

我用的是Ubuntu 14.04。在

Tags: py命令脚本binusrconfservice世界
  1. The event Multi-Processing Module (MPM) is designed to allow more requests to be served simultaneously by passing off some processing work to supporting threads, freeing up the main threads to work on new requests. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/event.html

  2. This Multi-Processing Module (MPM) implements a non-threaded, pre-forking web server. Each server process may answer incoming requests, and a parent process manages the size of the server pool. It is appropriate for sites that need to avoid threading for compatibility with non-thread-safe libraries. It is also the best MPM for isolating each request, so that a problem with a single request will not affect any other. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/prefork.html


a2enmod is a script that enables the specified module within the apache2 configuration. http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man8/a2enmod.8.html

名称a2enmod代表apache2 enable module。在

For some reason the first two lines of the script.py are absolutely necessary.



sudo chmod +x /usr/lib/cgi-bin/script.py 

why do I need this? how come it is not executable by default?


If there is a more obvious/better/correct way to run a python script using Apache24, I would really love to learn it.


P.S. Some people recommend adding:

AddHandler cgi-script .py .cgi 

to /etc/apache2/conf-enabled/serve-cgi-bin.conf if you encounter a problem when running a script on Apache. But for some reason it doesn't make any difference in my case. Why?


AddHandler handler-name extension [extension]

Files having the name extension will be served by the specified handler-name. This mapping is added to any already in force, overriding any mappings that already exist for the same extension. For example, to activate CGI scripts with the file extension .cgi, you might use:

AddHandler cgi-script .cgi

Once that has been put into your httpd.conf file, any file containing the .cgi extension will be treated as a CGI program. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/mod/mod_mime.html#addhandler



ScriptInterpreterSource Directive

This directive is used to control how Apache httpd finds the interpreter used to run CGI scripts. The default setting is Script. This causes Apache httpd to use the interpreter pointed to by the shebang line (first line, starting with #!) in the script http://httpd.apache.org/docs/current/mod/core.html


CGIMapExtension Directive

This directive is used to control how Apache httpd finds the interpreter used to run CGI scripts. For example, setting CGIMapExtension sys:\foo.nlm .foo will cause all CGI script files with a .foo extension to be passed to the FOO interpreter.

mpm代表Multi-Processing Module;基本上,您将基于event的方法替换为{};这是Apache内部使用的,通常不会影响性能以外的任何东西(每个MPM都有不同的性能特征),但是有些东西与某些MPM不兼容,然后您需要更改它们。在

cgi模块是提供Common Gateway Interface的附加模块;默认情况下,它不再包含在Apache中。在

脚本的第一行是shebang;它告诉Unix/Linux内核使用什么程序作为解释器;也就是说,“请使用/usr/bin/python来运行这个文件”。文件扩展名在*nix w.r.t可执行性中没有任何意义。在

第二行是标题。CGI规范指出output shall be headers followed by an empty line,后跟内容。1头是必需的:Content-Type。这里您告诉web服务器和浏览器,下面是text/html类型的文档。'\n'代表换行符。(严格来说,你应该写

print "Content-type: text/html\n\n",


默认情况下,*nix中的文件没有打开^{} execute bit-这是一个安全特性;需要有意识的决定才能使某些内容可执行。在


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