
2024-05-18 23:32:44 发布

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import random
def AceDiamondSpade():

    #Set up a list which contains Ace, Diamond and Spade so that the computer can randomly choose one of them.
    myList = ["Ace", "Diamond", "Spade"]
    choice = input("Ace, Diamond, or Spade? ")
    computerChoice = random.choice(myList)
    playAgain = True
    if str(choice) != str(myList[0]) and str(choice) != str(myList[1]) and str(choice) != str(myList[2]):
    playAgain = False 
    print ("invalid! Please enter again or make sure that you have capitalized the first letter of your answer!")
    if str(choice) == str(computerChoice):
        print ("You and the computer selected the same thing, you tie!") 
    if str(choice) == "Ace" and str(computerChoice) == "Diamond":
        print ("You selected Ace, and the comptuer selected Diamond, you win!")
    if str(choice) == "Diamond" and str(computerChoice) == "Spade":
        print ("You selected Diamond, and the Computer selected Spade, you win!")
    if str(choice) == "Spade" and str(computerChoice) == "Ace":
        print ("You selected Spade, and the comptuer selected Ace, you win!")
    if str(choice) == "Ace" and str(computerChoice) == "Spade":
        print ("You selected Ace, and the computer selected Spade, you lose!")
    if str(choice) == "Spade" and str(computerChoice) == "Diamond":
        print ("You selected Spade, and the computer selected Diamond, you lose!")
    if str(choice) == "Diamond" and str(computerChoice) == "Ace":
        print ("You selected Diamond, and the computer selected Ace, you lose!")

Tags: andtheyouifcomputerspadeprintselected
import random

def newfunc(string1, string2):
    if string1 == string2:
        print "You selected",string1,"and the computer selected",string2,"you win!"
        print "You selected",string1,"and the computer selected",string2,"you lose!"

def AceDiamondSpade():
    #Set up a list which contains Ace, Diamond and Spade so that the computer can randomly choose one of them.
    myList = ["Ace", "Diamond", "Spade"]
        choice = raw_input("Ace, Diamond, or Spade? ")
        computerChoice = random.choice(myList)
        if choice not in myList:
            print "That was not a valid choice."




您可以使用类do while,在python中,它是由几个不同的ways组成的:


def AceDiamondSpade():

    #Set up a list which contains Ace, Diamond and Spade so that the computer can randomly choose one of them.
    myList = ["Ace", "Diamond", "Spade"]

    while True:
        #Execute your game logic here
        if input("Ace, Diamond, or Spade? ") not in myList:

while True你假设下面的代码块(游戏)将无限执行。但是在if条件下,检查结果输入是否不是引用的list的成员,while循环将结束。在


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