
2024-04-27 05:18:28 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文



sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found




I have added this shebang to the start of my python script:


But this has not affected the outcome,

从脚本中去掉这个仍然会导致相同的错误消息 以下是脚本的一部分:

for filename in os.listdir(folder):
if filename.endswith(".sorted.bam"):
    namefile = filename.replace(".sorted.bam", "_ncoverage.txt")
    folder_name = filename.replace(".sorted.bam", "")
    os.system("mkdir " + folder_name)
    os.system("coverageBed -s -d -a bam " + folder + filename + " -b " + gff_file + " > " + folder_name + "/" + namefile)


ubuntu@fat:~/jonathan/script$ sudo python2.7 script1.py ./Folder/ ./Folder/ref.fasta genbank.gff
sh: coverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: coverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: coverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: coverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: coverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: coverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: coverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: coverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: coverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found
sh: genomeCoverageBed: command not found

你对我能做些什么有什么建议吗,或者即使我走在正确的轨道上? 谢谢你的帮助!在

Tags: name脚本bashossh错误notfolder


#! /usr/bin/env python

如果您将!/bin/bash,将在bash中打开。试试放#!/usr/bin/python或#!/usr/bin/env python



当一个linux shell被要求运行一个文本文件(例如,./myprogram.py)时,它会查看shebang,以确定应该使用哪个程序来解释文本。在您的例子中,您要求shell运行/bin/bash-另一个shell,它试图将python脚本解释为shell脚本。在




shebang只在linuxy系统上使用,并且只在使脚本可执行并直接运行时使用。如果在windows上运行(在cygwin或其他类似unix的shell之外)或直接运行python(python /path/to/myscript.py),则不使用它。在

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