
2024-06-16 09:08:29 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文

我对Liu Bing的《情感分析和观点挖掘》一书很感兴趣,我已经实现了一个小程序来获取文本的各个方面。在

我用Hu在我的文本中搜索了一系列积极和消极的单词,并在感慨词旁边找到了最近的名词或人称代词nltk.tokenizer. 结果很有趣,但我很难发现否定和上下文。在


"I love spicy ramen, but for whatever reasons this thing burns my stomach badly and the burning sensation doesn't go away for like 3 hours! Not sure if that is healthy or not .... and you can buy this at Walmart for $0.28, way cheaper than Amazon."


[(u'love', u'i', 1),
(u'love', u'spicy', 1),
(u'burns', u'thing', 0),
(u'badly', u'stomach', 0),
(u'burning', u'stomach', 0),
(u'sensation', u'stomach', 1),
(u'healthy', u'healthy', 1),
(u'cheaper', u'way', 1)]


I bought a Samsung camera and my friends brought a Canon camera yesterday. (2) In the past week, we both used the cameras a lot. (3) The photos from my Samy are not that great, and the battery life is short too. (4) My friend was very happy with his camera and loves its picture quality. (5) I want a camera that can take good photos. (6) I am going to return it tomorrow


最好的,非常感谢 亚历克斯

Tags: andthe文本程序forthatmythis