使用SQLite 3和Python時'raw_input'的主要問題

2024-04-20 15:39:22 发布

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username = raw_input("What would you like your username to be? ")
email = raw_input("What is your email address? ")
firstName = raw_input("What is your first name? ")
surname = raw_input("What is your surname? ")
age = raw_input("How old are you? ")
password = raw_input("What is your password?") #Encryption method will be added later
age = int(age) #Changing the age variable into an integer so it can be inputted into the database

#DB part
conn = db.connect('apollo.db') #Connecting to the database
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO users VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
            (username, email, firstName, surname, age, password)) #Inserting the user's data into the table

conn.commit() #Committing the changes

conn.close() #Closing the connection




Tags: theinputageyourrawisemailusername