SQLAlchemy execute()以元组形式返回ResultProxy,而不是di

2024-04-19 20:58:55 发布

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query = """
SELECT Coalesce((SELECT sp.param_value
                 FROM   sites_params sp
                 WHERE  sp.param_name = 'ci'
                        AND sp.site_id = s.id
                 ORDER  BY sp.id DESC
                 LIMIT  1), -1) AS ci
FROM   sites s
WHERE  s.deleted = 0
       AND s.id = 10 


site = db_session.execute(query)
# print site 
# <sqlalchemy.engine.result.ResultProxy object at 0x033E63D0>

site = db_session.execute(query).fetchone()
print site  # (u'375')
print list(site) # [u'375']


print site.ci
# u'375'

Tags: andfromciidexecutedbparamsession


from sqlalchemy import create_engine
class DBConnection:
    def __init__(self, db_instance):
        self.db_engine = create_engine('your_database_uri_string')

    def read(self, statement):
        """Executes a read query and returns a list of dicts, whose keys are column names."""
        data = self.db_engine.execute(statement).fetchall()
        results = []

        if len(data)==0:
            return results

        # results from sqlalchemy are returned as a list of tuples; this procedure converts it into a list of dicts
        for row_number, row in enumerate(data):
            for column_number, value in enumerate(row):
                results[row_number][row.keys()[column_number]] = value

        return results        


下面是我在Python 3中使用db_session的方法:

resultproxy = db_session.execute(query)

d, a = {}, []
for rowproxy in resultproxy:
    # rowproxy.items() returns an array like [(key0, value0), (key1, value1)]
    for column, value in rowproxy.items():
        # build up the dictionary
        d = {**d, **{column: value}}



  • db_session.execute(query)返回一个ResultProxy对象
  • ResultProxy对象由RowProxy对象组成
  • RowProxy对象有一个.items()方法,该方法返回行中所有项的键、值元组,可以在for操作中将其解压缩为key, value


[{column: value for column, value in rowproxy.items()} for rowproxy in resultproxy]


class sqlalchemy.engine.RowProxy(parent, row, processors, keymap)

Proxy values from a single cursor row.

Mostly follows “ordered dictionary” behavior, mapping result values to the string-based column name, the integer position of the result in the row, as well as Column instances which can be mapped to the original Columns that produced this result set (for results that correspond to constructed SQL expressions).

has_key(key) Return True if this RowProxy contains the given key.

items() Return a list of tuples, each tuple containing a key/value pair.

keys() Return the list of keys as strings represented by this RowProxy.


你看过那些文件了吗? 它准确地描述了@Gryphius和@Syed Habib M的建议,即使用site['ci']



Individual columns may be accessed by their integer position, case-insensitive column name, or by schema.Column object. e.g.:

row = fetchone()

col1 = row[0] # access via integer position

col2 = row['col2'] # access via name

col3 = row[mytable.c.mycol] # access via Column object.

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