
2024-04-19 23:54:55 发布

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import numpy as np
dt = np.dtype([('tuple', (int, 2))])
a = np.zeros(3, dt)
type(a['tuple'][0])  # ndarray
type(a[0]['tuple'])  # ndarray

a['tuple'][0] = (1,2)  # ok
a[0]['tuple'] = (1,2)  # ValueError: shape-mismatch on array construction

我本以为下面的两个选项都有效。 意见?在

Tags: importnumpyastypenpdtzerosok



The short answer is that this is not really a "normal" bug, but it could be considered a "design" bug (although the issues may not be straightforward to resolve). What that means is that it may not be changed in the short term - and you should just use the first spelling.

Structured arrays can be a confusing area of NumPy for several of reasons. You've constructed an example that touches on several of them. You have a data-type that is a "structure" array with one member ("tuple"). That member contains a 2-vector of integers.

First of all, it is important to remember that with Python, doing

a['tuple'][0] = (1,2)

is equivalent to

b = a['tuple']; b[0] = (1,2)

In like manner,

a[0]['tuple'] = (1,2)

is equivalent to

b = a[0]; b['tuple'] = (1,2)

To understand the behavior, we need to dissect both code paths and what happens. You built a (3,) array of those elements in 'a'. When you write b = a['tuple'] you should probably be getting a (3,) array of (2,)-integers, but as there is currently no formal dtype support for (n,)-integers as a general dtype in NumPy, you get back a (3,2) array of integers which is the closest thing that NumPy can give you. Setting the [0] row of this object via

a['tuple'][0] = (1,2)

works just fine and does what you would expect.

On the other hand, when you type:

b = a[0]

you are getting back an array-scalar which is a particularly interesting kind of array scalar that can hold records. This new object is formally of type numpy.void and it holds a "scalar representation" of anything that fits under the "VOID" basic dtype.

For some reason:

b['tuple'] = [1,2]

is not working. On my system I'm getting a different error: TypeError: object of type 'int' has no len()

I think this should be filed as a bug on the issue tracker which is for the time being here: http://projects.scipy.org/numpy

The problem is ultimately the void->copyswap function being called in voidtype_setfields if someone wants to investigate. I think this behavior should work.

对此的解释见a numpy bug report。在

这是一个上游错误,从NumPy PR #5947开始修复,在1.9.3中进行了修复。在

我得到的错误与您不同(使用numpy 1.7.0.dev):

ValueError: setting an array element with a sequence.


首先,注意索引structured array的一行会得到一个numpy.void对象(请参见data type docs




print type(a[:1]) # = numpy.ndarray


b = [1, 2, 3]
print b[0] # 1
print b[:1] # [1]



a[:1]['tuple'] = (1, 2)

所以,。。。为什么a[0]['tuple'] = (1, 2)不起作用?在


a[0]['tuple'] = (1, 2) # this line fails


print type(a[0]['tuple']) # = numpy.ndarray


a[0]['tuple'] = np.array((1, 2))




a[0]['tuple'][:] = (1, 2)




print a['tuple'].base is a # = True
print a[0].base is a # = False
a[0] = ((1, 2),) # `a` is changed


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