
2024-04-19 05:06:19 发布

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  1. 你把来源放在哪里?
  2. 你把应用程序启动脚本放在哪里?
  3. 你把IDE项目放在哪里?
  4. 你把单元/验收测试放在哪里?
  5. 您将非Python数据(如配置文件)放在哪里?
  6. 你在PyD/SO二进制扩展模块中放置C++等非Python源代码吗?

Tags: 项目方法脚本文件夹web应用程序源代码层次结构

根据Jean-Paul Calderone的Filesystem structure of a Python project

|-- bin/
|   |-- project
|-- project/
|   |-- test/
|   |   |--
|   |   |--
|   |   
|   |--
|   |--

这个blog post by Jean-Paul Calderone通常在Freenode上的python中作为答案给出。

Filesystem structure of a Python project


  • name the directory something related to your project. For example, if your project is named "Twisted", name the top-level directory for its source files Twisted. When you do releases, you should include a version number suffix: Twisted-2.5.
  • create a directory Twisted/bin and put your executables there, if you have any. Don't give them a .py extension, even if they are Python source files. Don't put any code in them except an import of and call to a main function defined somewhere else in your projects. (Slight wrinkle: since on Windows, the interpreter is selected by the file extension, your Windows users actually do want the .py extension. So, when you package for Windows, you may want to add it. Unfortunately there's no easy distutils trick that I know of to automate this process. Considering that on POSIX the .py extension is a only a wart, whereas on Windows the lack is an actual bug, if your userbase includes Windows users, you may want to opt to just have the .py extension everywhere.)
  • If your project is expressable as a single Python source file, then put it into the directory and name it something related to your project. For example, Twisted/ If you need multiple source files, create a package instead (Twisted/twisted/, with an empty Twisted/twisted/ and place your source files in it. For example, Twisted/twisted/
  • put your unit tests in a sub-package of your package (note - this means that the single Python source file option above was a trick - you always need at least one other file for your unit tests). For example, Twisted/twisted/test/. Of course, make it a package with Twisted/twisted/test/ Place tests in files like Twisted/twisted/test/
  • add Twisted/README and Twisted/ to explain and install your software, respectively, if you're feeling nice.


  • put your source in a directory called src or lib. This makes it hard to run without installing.
  • put your tests outside of your Python package. This makes it hard to run the tests against an installed version.
  • create a package that only has a and then put all your code into Just make a module instead of a package, it's simpler.
  • try to come up with magical hacks to make Python able to import your module or package without having the user add the directory containing it to their import path (either via PYTHONPATH or some other mechanism). You will not correctly handle all cases and users will get angry at you when your software doesn't work in their environment.


  • /scripts/bin用于那种命令行接口
  • /tests为您的测试
  • /lib为您的C语言库
  • /doc对于大多数文档
  • /apidoc用于Epydoc生成的API文档。




  • /foo
  • /bar
  • /baz



在我的例子中,由于我使用Komodo Edit,我的IDE cuft是一个.KPF文件。实际上,我把它放在顶层的/quux目录中,省略了将它添加到SVN。

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