
2024-04-25 21:37:04 发布

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为了得到坐标,我必须比较距离。因此,我用sc.TEXT文件()做笛卡尔积。文本文件中大约有2.000.000行,因此要比较2.000.000 x 2.000.000的坐标。在


def concat(x,y):
    if(isinstance(y, list)&(isinstance(x,list))):
        return x + y
        return x + [y]
        return [x] + y
    else: return [x,y]

def haversian_dist(tuple):
    lat1 = float(tuple[0][0])
    lat2 = float(tuple[1][0])
    lon1 = float(tuple[0][2])
    lon2 = float(tuple[1][2])
    p = 0.017453292519943295
    a = 0.5 - cos((lat2 - lat1) * p)/2 + cos(lat1 * p) * cos(lat2 * p) * (1 - cos((lon2 - lon1) * p)) / 2
    return (int(float(tuple[0][1])), (int(float(tuple[1][1])),12742 * asin(sqrt(a))))

def sort_val(tuple):
    dtype = [("globalid", int),("distance",float)]
    a = np.array(tuple[1], dtype=dtype)
    sorted_mins = np.sort(a, order="distance",kind="mergesort")
    return (tuple[0], sorted_mins)

def calc_matrix(sc, path, rangeval, savepath, name):
    data = sc.textFile(path)
    data = data.map(lambda x: x.split(";"))
    data = data.repartition(100).cache()
    matrix = data.cartesian(data)
    values = matrix.map(haversian_dist)
    values = values.reduceByKey(concat)
    values = values.map(sort_val)
    values = values.map(lambda x: (x[0], x[1][1:int(rangeval)].tolist()))
    values = values.map(lambda x: (x[0], [y[0] for y in x[1]]))
    dicti = values.collectAsMap()
    hp.save_pickle(dicti, savepath, name)



Tags: 文件mapdatareturnifdefcosfloat
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-25 21:37:04



import numpy as np
from numpy import arcsin, cos, sqrt

# suppose my data consists of latlong pairs
# we will use the indices for pairing up values
data = sc.parallelize(np.random.rand(10,2)).zipWithIndex()
data = data.map(lambda (val, idx): (idx, val))

# generate pairs (e.g. if i have 3 pairs with indices [0,1,2],
# I only have to compute for distances of pairs (0,1), (0,2) & (1,2)
idxs = range(data.count())
indices = sc.parallelize([(i,j) for i in idxs for j in idxs if i < j])

# haversian func (i took the liberty of editing some parts of it)
def haversian_dist(latlong1, latlong2):
    lat1, lon1 = latlong1
    lat2, lon2 = latlong2
    p = 0.017453292519943295
    def hav(theta): return (1 - cos(p * theta))/2
    a = hav(lat2 - lat1) + cos(p * lat1)*cos(p * lat2)*hav(lon2 - lon1)
    return 12742 * arcsin(sqrt(a))

joined1 = indices.join(data).map(lambda (i, (j, val)): (j, (i, val)))
joined2 = joined1.join(data).map(lambda (j, ((i, latlong1), latlong2)): ((i,j), (latlong1, latlong2))
haversianRDD = joined2.mapValues(lambda (x, y): haversian_dist(x, y))

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