
2024-06-17 12:32:12 发布

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <regex>ATL|LAX|DFW</regex >
        <regex>DFW.+\.$</regex >
        <regex>\-</regex >
        <regex>\s</regex >
        <regex> T&amp;R$</regex >


from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree

# filters.xml is the file that holds the things to be filtered
tree = ElementTree()

# Get the data in the XML file 
root = tree.getroot()

# Loop through filters
for x in root.findall('filter'):

    # Find the text inside the regex tag
    regex = x.find('regex').text

    # Find the text inside the start_char tag
    start_prim = x.find('start_char')
    # If the element exists assign its text to start variable
    start = start_prim.text if start_prim is not None else None
    start_int = int(start) if start is not None else None

    # Find the text inside the end_char tag
    end_prim = x.find('end_char')

    # If the element exists assign its text end variable
    end = end_prim.text if end_prim is not None else None
    end_int = int(end) if end is not None else None

    # Find the text inside the action tag
    action = x.find('action').text

    if action == 'remove':
        if re.match(r'%s' % regex, mfn_pn, re.IGNORECASE):
            if end_int == None:
                mfn_pn = mfn_pn[start_int:]
            elif start_int == None:
                mfn_pn = mfn_pn[:end_int]
                mfn_pn = mfn_pn[start_int:end_int]
    elif action == 'substitute':
        mfn_pn = re.sub(r'%s' % regex, '', mfn_pn)


如果最惠国pn=1PDFW 356-5789,我得到FW3565789。它删除前3个字符,即使它应该查看xml文件,并且当regex等于1P时,只删除前两个字符,因为start_char等于2。所以mfn_pn=regex[start_int:]应该是mfn_pn=regex[2:],但出于某种原因,它仍然认为start_int是3



1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-17 12:32:12

根据您希望从1PDFW 356-5789获得的输出,它将生成3565789。如果可以更改正则表达式,我对filters.xml和python代码有如下建议


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        <regex>ATL|LAX|DFW</regex >
        <regex>DFW</regex >
        <regex>\-</regex >
        <regex>\s</regex >
        <regex> T&amp;R$</regex >


import re
from xml.etree.ElementTree import ElementTree

# filters.xml is the file that holds the things to be filtered
tree = ElementTree()

# Get the data in the XML file
root = tree.getroot()

# Loop through filters
for x in root.findall('filter'):

    # Find the text inside the regex tag
    regex = x.find('regex').text

    # Find the text inside the start_char tag
    start_prim = x.find('start_char')

    # If the element exists assign its text to start variable
    start = start_prim.text if start_prim is not None else None
    start_int = int(start) if start is not None else None

    # Find the text inside the end_char tag
    end_prim = x.find('end_char')

    # If the element exists assign its text end variable
    end = end_prim.text if end_prim is not None else None
    end_int = int(end) if end is not None else None

    # Find the text inside the action tag
    action = x.find('action').text
    if action == 'remove':
        if re.search(r'%s\b' % regex,mfn_pn):
            mfn_pn = mfn_pn[start_int:end_int]

    elif action == 'substitute':
        mfn_pn = re.sub(r'%s' % regex, '', mfn_pn)

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