
2024-05-07 23:49:54 发布

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也就是说,我认为并行化我的代码可能是个好主意,因为串行代码的运行速度会非常慢。 代码如下:

import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np

def func(N):
    d = {}

    filenames = ["file" + str(k) + ".txt" for k in range(N, N + 1000)]
    ##each of these files is a 306x306 matrix
    for i in range(306):
        data = np.vstack([np.loadtxt(f, delimiter=",", usecols=i) for f in filenames])
        for j in range(306):
            values, counts = np.unique(data.T[j], return_counts=True)
            for i in values:
                d[i] = counts[np.where(values == i)]
    return d

if __name__ == "__main__":
    N = mp.cpu_count()
    with mp.Pool(processes=N) as p:
        results = p.map(func, [m for m in range(1000, 5000, 1000)])


Tags: 代码inimportfordataasnprange
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-07 23:49:54


how many times element X occurs in the position (i,j) of these 5000 matrices


arr_shape = (5, 5)
chunksize = 10 #load chunks of 200 files at a time
start_n = 0
end_n = 100

def func(N):
    #unpack args from input tuple
    filenames = ["file" + str(k) + ".txt" for k in range(N[0], N[1])]
    #load and stack all the arrays into single array
    arr = np.stack([np.loadtxt(f, delimiter=",") for f in filenames])
    #re-order data in memory for efficient access along 0th axis (not needed, but likely faster)
    arr = np.asfortranarray(arr) 
    res = []
    #the more arrays you can load at once (chunksize), the fewer times we have to go through this inefficient loop
    for i in range(arr_shape[0]):
        for j in range(arr_shape[1]):
            #each res[i][j] will be a tuple of (values, counts)
            res[i].append(np.unique(arr[:,i,j], return_counts=True))
    return res

if __name__ == "__main__":

    with mp.Pool() as p:
        #build tuples of (start, end) for chunks of arbitrary size
        chunks = []
        for start in range(start_n, end_n, chunksize):
            if start + chunksize > end_n:
                end = end_n
                end = start + chunksize
            chunks.append((start, end))
        #build array of dicts to merge results into
        d = []
        for i in range(arr_shape[0]):
            for j in range(arr_shape[1]):
                #each d[i][j] will be a dict of d[value] = count
                d[i].append(defaultdict(int)) #empty values default to 0
        #call our "func" in parallel, and get any results as they come in.
        for res in p.imap_unordered(func=func, iterable=chunks):
            #merge the results into d
            for i in range(arr_shape[0]):
                for j in range(arr_shape[1]):
                    #recall result is array of tuples of (values, counts). zip() is an easy way to get them in pairs
                    for value, count in zip(res[i][j][0], res[i][j][1]):
                        d[i][j][value] += count

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