Reportlab python Pdf

2024-05-15 10:58:19 发布

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根据我的代码,任何关于此的解决方案。此Pdf是通过django中的reportlab python构建的

附上图片。 As you see values in Charges Description overcross the column of SAC section. I want to put half characters to next line if the length of Charges Description is too big to avoid overcross.

def sea_export_local_invoice_pdf(request, pk):
response = HttpResponse(content_type='application/pdf')
response['Content-Disposition'] = ' filename="local_invoice.pdf"'
c = canvas.Canvas(response)

# _______________________ get object ___________________

lir_fed = SeaExLocalInvoiceReceivable.objects.get(pk=pk)c.setFont('Helvetica-Bold', 9)
    c.drawString(85, 548, 'Charges Description')
    c.line(201, 560, 201, 300)
    c.drawString(210, 548, 'SAC')
    c.line(237, 560, 237, 300)
    c.drawString(243, 548, 'Unit')
    c.line(268, 560, 268, 300)
    c.drawString(273, 548, 'Rate')
    c.line(296, 560, 296, 280)
    c.drawString(298, 548, 'Ex.Rate')
    c.line(332, 560, 332, 280)
    c.drawString(340, 548, 'Amount')
    c.line(381, 560, 381, 300)
    c.drawString(384, 548, 'IGST')
    c.line(407, 560, 407, 300)
    c.drawString(410, 548, 'CGST')
    c.line(437, 560, 437, 300)
    c.drawString(440, 548, 'SGST')
    c.line(467, 560, 467, 165)
    c.drawString(474, 548, 'Tax Amt')
    c.line(519, 560, 519, 280)
    c.drawString(533, 548, 'Total')
    c.line(25, 540, 575, 540)

    a = '07'
    # a = ndls_gst_cd.gst_code
    b = str(sm_lir.gst_code)

    if a == b:
        gstapplied = 1
        divide_total_tax = (float(all_lir.billing_gst_amount) / 2)
        c.drawString(470, 230, str(divide_total_tax))
        c.drawString(470, 215, str(divide_total_tax))
        c.drawString(470, 200, '0.0')

        gstapplied = 2
        c.drawString(470, 230, '0.0')
        c.drawString(470, 215, '0.0')
        c.drawString(470, 200, str(all_lir.billing_gst_amount))

y = 530
i = 1
for row in lir_fed:
    c.setFont('Helvetica', 7)
    c.drawString(32, y, str(i))
    c.drawString(48, y, str(row.billing_head))
    c.setFont('Helvetica', 7)
    c.drawString(205, y, str(row.sac))
    c.drawString(240, y, str(row.qty_unit))
    c.drawString(269, y, str(row.rate))
    c.drawString(302, y, str(row.ex_rate))
    c.drawString(335, y, str(row.amount))

Tags: topdfresponselinedescriptionrowpkdivide

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from io import BytesIO

from django.http import HttpResponse
from pdfme import build_pdf

def sea_export_local_invoice_pdf(request, pk):
    document = {
        "sections": [
                "content": [
                        "widths": [1, 5, 1, 1, 1, 1.2, 1.5, 1, 1, 1, 1.5, 1.5],
                        "style": {"s": 8, "cell_margin": 2},
                        "table": [
                                {'.b': 'S.No'},
                                {'.b': 'Charges Description'},
                                {'.b': 'SAC'},
                                {'.b': 'Unit'},
                                {'.b': 'Rate'},
                                {'.b': 'Ex.Rate'},
                                {'.b': 'Amount'},
                                {'.b': 'IGST'},
                                {'.b': 'CGST'},
                                {'.b': 'SGST'},
                                {'.b': 'Tax Amt'},
                                {'.b': 'Total'}
                                "EMPTY EQUIP BALANCE AND HANDOVER CHARGE",
                                95.9, 2, 2, 2, '8.00', '2%', '0.0', '0.0', 0.16, 8.16

    pdf_file = BytesIO()
    build_pdf(document, pdf_file)
    response = HttpResponse(, content_type='application/pdf')
    response['Content-Disposition'] = ' filename="local_invoice.pdf"'
    return response


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