是否没有为Azure Python SDK创建或更新资源调配存储帐户?

2024-06-08 21:29:51 发布

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我正在使用Azure Python SDK在Azure中调配资源。我看到,对于资源组和密钥保险库,api有create_or_update方法,但是对于存储帐户,我只能找到create方法。目前,最初的资源调配还可以,但我感兴趣的是测试它们如何更新先前调配的资源。我是否遗漏了一些内容,或者没有为存储帐户调用create\u或\u更新的选项


Tags: or方法api内容选项create密钥sdk
1楼 · 发布于 2024-06-08 21:29:51


The update operation can be used to update the SKU, encryption, access tier, or tags for a storage account. It can also be used to map the account to a custom domain. Only one custom domain is supported per storage account; the replacement/change of custom domain is not supported. In order to replace an old custom domain, the old value must be cleared/unregistered before a new value can be set. The update of multiple properties is supported. This call does not change the storage keys for the account. If you want to change the storage account keys, use the regenerate keys operation. The location and name of the storage account cannot be changed after creation.

update(resource_group_name, account_name, parameters, custom_headers=None, raw=False, **operation_config)

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