
2024-04-19 16:43:38 发布

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def cnn_taylor(input_dim, approx_order=2):
    x = Input((input_dim,))
    def pwr(x, approx_order):
        x = x[..., None] 
        x = tf.tile(x, multiples=[1, 1, approx_order + 1])
        pw = tf.range(0, approx_order + 1, dtype=tf.float32) 
        x_p = tf.pow(x, pw) 
        x_p = x_p[..., None]
        return x_p

    x_p = Lambda(lambda x: pwr(x, approx_order))(x)
    h = Dense(1, use_bias=False)(x_p)  
    def cumu_sum(h):
        h = tf.squeeze(h, axis=-1)  
        s = tf.cumsum(h, axis=-1) 
        s = s[..., None] 
        return s
    S = Lambda(cumu_sum)(h)



Tags: 数据方法图像noneinputtftensorflowdef
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-19 16:43:38


  1. 将来自卷积层的4D(b, h, w, c)输入展平为(b, h*w*c)形状的张量
  2. 将变换应用于生成的张量
  3. 撤消重塑以获得形状为(b,h,w,c)`的4D张量,其“泰勒展开”已按元素应用


shape_cnn = h.shape  # Shape=(bs, h, w, c)
flat_dim = h.shape[1] * h.shape[2] * h.shape[3]
h = tf.reshape(h, (-1, flat_dim))
taylor_model = taylor_expansion_network(input_dim=flat_dim, max_pow=approx_order)
h = taylor_model(h)
h = tf.reshape(h, (-1, shape_cnn[1], shape_cnn[2], shape_cnn[3]))

注意:我从this answer借用了函数taylor_expansion_network

更新:我仍然不清楚最终目标,但这次更新可能使我们更接近预期的输出。我修改了taylor_expansion_network,将管道的第一部分应用于形状(width, height, nb_channels=3)的RGB图像,返回形状(width, height, nb_channels=3, max_pow+1)的张量:

def taylor_expansion_network_2(width, height, nb_channels=3, max_pow=2):
    input_dim = width * height * nb_channels

    x = Input((width, height, nb_channels,))
    h = tf.reshape(x, (-1, input_dim))

    # Raise input x_i to power p_i for each i in [0, max_pow].
    def raise_power(x, max_pow):
        x_ = x[..., None]  # Shape=(batch_size, input_dim, 1)
        x_ = tf.tile(x_, multiples=[1, 1, max_pow + 1])  # Shape=(batch_size, input_dim, max_pow+1)
        pows = tf.range(0, max_pow + 1, dtype=tf.float32)  # Shape=(max_pow+1,)
        x_p = tf.pow(x_, pows)  # Shape=(batch_size, input_dim, max_pow+1)
        return x_p

    h = raise_power(h, max_pow)

    # Compute s_i for each i in [0, max_pow]
    h = tf.cumsum(h, axis=-1)  # Shape=(batch_size, input_dim, max_pow+1)

    # Get the input format back
    h = tf.reshape(h, (-1, width, height, nb_channels, max_pow+1))  # Shape=(batch_size, w, h, nb_channels, max_pow+1)

    # Return Taylor expansion model
    model = Model(inputs=x, outputs=h)
    return model

在这个修改后的模型中,管道的最后一步,即每个iw_i * s_i之和不适用。现在,您可以以任何方式使用生成的(width, height, nb_channels=3, max_pow+1)形张量

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