
2024-04-26 03:43:59 发布

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And on this farm he had a dog...etc and going through the song, and the next going And on this far he had a cat...etc through all animals and sounds in the list


for song in range (3):
    animal = input("Please Input an Animal: ")
    sound = input("Please Input a Sound: ")
    lyrics = "Old Macdonald had a farm, E- I- E- I- O," "And on that farm he had a %s, E- I- E- I- O." "With a %s - %s here,And a %s - %s there," "Here a %s, there a %s, Everywhere a %s - %s" "Old Macdonald had a farm, E- I- E- I- O!" % (animal, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound)

Tags: andthe用户声音列表onetc歌词


# if length != length2: (code to check the lists are of the same length)

animal_list = ['Dog', 'Cat', 'Horse', 'Goat'] # using this in place of appending user input to an empty list
sound_list = ['Bark', 'Meow', 'Neigh', 'Bleat']
length = len(animal_list) 
# length2 = len(sound_list)    

for x in range(length):
sentence = 'start here ' + animal_list[x] + ' body of song ' + sound_list[x] + ' rest of song'

Sunero4已经解释了为什么动物和声音变量只分配给最后一个用户条目。 我在他的答案中添加了一些格式,并在每个用户输入后添加sys.exit(0),以检查是否输入了-1,以便我们可以退出。请注意,我们使用“导入系统”来调用此模块。我不知道你是否已经在课堂上讲过了。如果不是,我建议您看看当前的课程笔记如何处理这个问题

import sys

lyrics_list = []

for song in range (3):
    animal = input("Please Input an Animal: ")
    if animal == '-1':
    sound = input("Please Input a Sound: ")
    if sound == '-1':
    lyrics = "Old Macdonald had a farm, E- I- E- I- O," " And on that farm he had a %s, E- I- E- I- O." " With a %s - %s here, and a %s - %s there," " here a %s, there a %s, everywhere a %s - %s" " Old Macdonald had a farm, E- I- E- I- O!" % (animal, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound)

for lyric in lyrics_list:

编辑:您可以用quit()替换sys.exit(0),它也会这样做。有关sys.exit()和quit()之间差异的更多详细信息,请查看此处Python exit commands - why so many and when should each be used?


    lyrics_list = []

    for song in range (3):
        animal = input("Please Input an Animal: ")
        sound = input("Please Input a Sound: ")
        lyrics = "Old Macdonald had a farm, E- I- E- I- O," "And on that farm he had a %s, E- I- E- I- O." "With a %s - %s here,And a %s - %s there," "Here a %s, there a %s, Everywhere a %s - %s" "Old Macdonald had a farm, E- I- E- I- O!" % (animal, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound, sound)

    for lyric in lyrics_list:

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