
2024-06-01 01:53:13 发布

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我尝试使用PlantUML filter从markdown源代码中的PlantUML代码生成LaTeX图形。它工作得很好(我将其更改为生成LaTeX的PDF,因为它保留了PlantUML图中的文本项)

这个过滤器(以及所有使用pandocfilters API的过滤器)的问题在于标题不支持标记。也就是说,通过caption="Here is a diagram that is *not* what you'd expect."将产生一个带有*not*的乳胶图形,而不是not(斜体)


```{.plantuml hide-image=true plantuml-filename=foo.pdf}
A -> B : hello

![Here is a diagram that is *not* what you'd expect](foo.pdf)



def get_caption(kv):
    """get caption from the keyvalues (options)
      if key == 'CodeBlock':
        [[ident, classes, keyvals], code] = value
        caption, typef, keyvals = get_caption(keyvals)
        return Para([Image([ident, [], keyvals], caption, [filename, typef])])
    caption = []
    typef = ""
    value, res = get_value(kv, u"caption")
    if value is not None:
        caption = [Str(value)]
        typef = "fig:"

    return caption, typef, res



My (hacked) version of the PlantUML filter位于GitHub上:

#!/usr/bin/env python

Pandoc filter to process code blocks with class "plantuml" into
plant-generated images.

Needs `plantuml.jar` from http://plantuml.com/.

import os
import shutil
import sys
from subprocess import call

from pandocfilters import toJSONFilter, Para, Image, get_filename4code, get_caption, get_extension

def plantuml(key, value, format, _):
    if key == 'CodeBlock':
        [[ident, classes, keyvals], code] = value

        if "plantuml" in classes:
            caption, typef, keyvals = get_caption(keyvals)

            filename = get_filename4code("plantuml", code)
            filetype = get_extension(format, "png", html="svg", latex="pdf")

            src = filename + '.puml'
            plantuml_output = filename + '.' + filetype

            dest_spec = ""
            # Key to specify final destination the file
            for ind, keyval in enumerate(keyvals):
                if keyval[0] == 'plantuml-filename':
                    dest_spec = keyval[1]

            # Generate image only once
            if not os.path.isfile(plantuml_output):
                txt = code.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())
                if not txt.startswith("@start"):
                    txt = "@startuml\n" + txt + "\n@enduml\n"
                with open(src, "w") as f:
                # Must not let messages go to stdout, as it will corrupt JSON in filter
                with open('plantUMLErrors.log', "w") as log_file:
                    call(["java", "-jar", "filters/plantuml/plantuml.jar", "-t"+filetype, src], stdout=log_file)
                sys.stderr.write('Created image ' + plantuml_output + '\n')
                if not dest_spec == "": 
                    sys.stderr.write('Copying image from ' + plantuml_output + ' to ' + dest_spec + '\n')
                    shutil.copy2(plantuml_output, dest_spec)
                    plantuml_output = dest_spec

            for ind, keyval in enumerate(keyvals):
                if keyval[0] == 'hide-image':
                    if keyval[1] == 'true':
                        sys.stderr.write('Not showing image ' + plantuml_output + '\n')
                        return [] # surpress image in JSON

            return Para([Image([ident, [], keyvals], caption, [plantuml_output, typef])])

if __name__ == "__main__":

Tags: imageoutputgetifisvaluenotfilename