
2024-04-20 12:08:26 发布

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def checkvowelsConsonants():
    consonants = 0
    vowelscount = 0
    index = 0
    sentence = input("Please input your sentence here. This sentence must contain a speical character eg, - ? etc.")
    Vowels = (["a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "A", "E", "I", "O", "U"])
    vowelcount = 0
    while index < len(sentence):
        if sentence[index] in Vowels:
            vowelcount += 1
        index += 1
    while index < len(sentence):
        if sentence[index] not in Vowels:
            consonants += 1
        index += 1
    print("The number of vowels is", vowelcount, "and consonants is", consonants)


请在这里输入你的句子。这个句子必须包含一个特殊字符,例如,-?等等,aaaaaassssss 元音的数量是8,辅音的数量是0

Tags: ininputindexlenifissentence句子
def classify_letter(string: str):
    vowels = 0
    consonants = 0
    for i in string:
        if i.casefold() in 'aeiou':
            vowels += 1
        elif i.casefold() in 'qwrtypsdfghjklzxcvbnm':
            consonants += 1
    return vowels, consonants


def classify_letter(strng: str) -> tuple:
    x = [i.casefold() in "aeiou" for i in strng if i.casefold() in string.ascii_lowercase]
    return x.count(True), x.count(False)







def count_vowels_consonants(str_in: str):
    vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u', 'A', 'E', 'I', 'O', 'U'}
    consonants = {'w', 'm', 'j', 'r', 'z', 'c', 'h', 'l', 'p', 'k', 's', 'b', 'y', 'n', 'f', 'q', 't', 'd', 'x', 'g',
                  'v', 'L', 'S', 'N', 'Q', 'F', 'B', 'R', 'Z', 'X', 'J', 'D', 'H', 'V', 'C', 'P', 'G', 'K', 'T', 'Y',
                  'M', 'W'}
    num_vowels = 0
    num_consonants = 0

    for char in str_in:
        if char in vowels:
            num_vowels += 1
        elif char in consonants:
            num_consonants += 1

    return num_vowels, num_consonants

sentence = input('Please input your sentence (this sentence must contain a speical character eg, - ? etc.): ')

sentence_num_vowels, sentence_num_consonants = count_vowels_consonants(sentence)

print('vowels: {}, consonants: {}'.format(sentence_num_vowels, sentence_num_consonants))



def checkvowelsConsonants():
    consonants = 0
    vowelscount = 0
    index = 0
    sentence = input("Please input your sentence here. This sentence must contain a speical character eg, - ? etc.")
    Vowels = (["a", "e", "i", "o", "u", "A", "E", "I", "O", "U"])
    vowelcount = 0
    while index < len(sentence):
        if sentence[index] in Vowels:
            vowelcount += 1
        index += 1
    index = 0
    while index < len(sentence):
        if sentence[index] not in Vowels:
            consonants += 1
        index += 1
    print("The number of vowels is", vowelcount, "and consonants is", consonants)

请注意,在第一个循环之后 index = 0 线 这将重置变量,以便它可以再次通过循环

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