
2024-04-20 04:16:17 发布

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class Meta(type): pass
class A(metaclass=Meta): pass

据我所知,在class A语句末尾,将执行以下步骤:

  1. 调用Meta('A', (), {})
  2. 因为步骤1是一个内置调用,这意味着将调用type.__call__(...)。这是因为type链接到Meta.__class__
  3. type.__call__(...)依次运行另外两个方法(a__new__和a__init__
  4. 如果Meta定义了这两个方法中的一个或两个,那么type.__call__内部的这些方法将作为Meta.__new__(...)和/或Meta.__init__(...)调用
  5. A被创建并链接到MetaA.__class__


class Meta(type): pass
class A(metaclass=Meta): pass
class B(A): pass

class B语句的末尾,以下步骤正确吗

  1. 调用type('B', (), {})而不是Meta,因为B.__class__type
  2. 调用type.__call__(...),它依次运行另外两个方法(__new____init__
  3. type.__new__(type, 'B', (A,), {})
  4. type.__init__(cls, 'B', (A,), {})


print(B.__class__) #<class '__main__.Meta'>


C = type.__call__(type, 'C', (A,), {})
print(C.__class__) #<class '__main__.Meta'>


D = type.__new__(type, 'D', (A,), {})
print(D.__class__) #<class '__main__.Meta'>

我的问题是Python如何创建class B/C以及B/C如何链接到Meta

Tags: 方法newinit链接maintype步骤pass

所以,这是一个有点令人困惑的问题,可以回答,有些则简化了 只需在交互模式下运行一些示例


type.__call__(...) in turn run two other methods (a __new__ and a __init__).


当我们创建新类时,比如在解析类语句class A:时,会调用type.__call__。但是这个调用是在Meta中搜索的。也就是说,“Meta”的“元类”——默认情况下是type

请原谅我: 当我们讨论一个没有自定义元类的普通类E时,通过执行E()-Python搜索__call__方法来创建一个实例,其中E是一个实例:即它的元类。因为它是类型,所以调用type.__call__。正如您所说,是type.__call__调用__new____init__方法,但不仅仅是元类:它在任何对象实例化中协调这些调用-Python中的任何对象实例化都使用完全相同的机制:普通对象和类:

In [178]: class MetaMeta(type): 
     ...:     def __call__(metacls, *args, **kw): 
     ...:         print("Now at the meta-meta class") 
     ...:         return super().__call__(*args, **kw) 

In [179]: class EmptyMeta(type, metaclass=MetaMeta): 
     ...:     def __call__(cls, *args, **kw): 
     ...:         print("At the metaclass __call__") 
     ...:         return super().__call__(*args, **kw) 

In [180]: class A(metaclass=EmptyMeta): 
     ...:     pass 
Now at the meta-meta class

In [181]: a = A()                 
At the metaclass __call__

In [182]: class Direct(metaclass=MetaMeta): pass                     

In [183]: Direct()                
Now at the meta-meta class
Out[183]: <__main__.Direct at 0x7fa66bc72c10>



In [184]: class B(A): pass        
Now at the meta-meta class

In [185]: B()                     
At the metaclass __call__
Out[185]: <__main__.B at 0x7fa6682ab3a0>

In [186]: B.__class__             
Out[186]: __main__.EmptyMeta


In [187]: C = type("C", (A, ), {})

In [188]: C()                     
At the metaclass __call__
Out[188]: <__main__.C at 0x7fa653cb0d60>


In [192]: import types            

In [193]: D = types.new_class("D", (A,), {})                         
Now at the meta-meta class

In [194]: D()                     
At the metaclass __call__
Out[194]: <__main__.D at 0x7fa6682959a0>


In [203]: class Meta1(type): pass 

In [204]: class Meta2(type): pass 

In [205]: class A(metaclass=Meta1): pass                             

In [206]: class B(metaclass=Meta2): pass                             

In [207]: class C(A, B): pass     
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-207-1def53cc27f4> in <module>
  > 1 class C(A, B): pass

TypeError: metaclass conflict: the metaclass of a derived class must be a (non-strict) subclass of the metaclasses of all its bases

它可以通过生成继承自的派生元类来修复 两个祖先分支中的元类(这要求两个元类 行为良好,使用super()而不是对type的硬编码调用-但是 维护良好且流行的框架就是如此):

In [208]: class Meta3(Meta1, Meta2): pass                            

In [209]: class C(A, B, metaclass=Meta3): pass                       

In [210]:

Call type('B', (), {}) instead of Meta, because B.class is type.


>>> class Meta(type): pass
>>> class A(metaclass=Meta): pass
>>> class B(A): pass
>>> type(B)
<class '__main__.Meta'>

My question is how Python create the class B/C and how B/C is linked to the Meta?

如果X类继承了Y类,那么X的元类与Y的元类相同。您可以找到有关data model documentation的详细信息


The appropriate metaclass for a class definition is determined as follows:

if no bases and no explicit metaclass are given, then type() is used;

if an explicit metaclass is given and it is not an instance of type(), then it is used directly as the metaclass;

if an instance of type() is given as the explicit metaclass, or bases are defined, then the most derived metaclass is used.

The most derived metaclass is selected from the explicitly specified metaclass (if any) and the metaclasses (i.e. type(cls)) of all specified base classes. The most derived metaclass is one which is a subtype of all of these candidate metaclasses. If none of the candidate metaclasses meets that criterion, then the class definition will fail with TypeError.

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