
2024-04-25 19:24:04 发布

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我尝试使用python的pywin32库制作一个警报邮件报告仪表板/报告(我是新来的), 因此,我试图获取警报邮件的时间等详细信息,该邮件已设置在默认收件箱文件夹以外的其他文件夹中(该文件夹也是其他文件夹的子文件夹,该父文件夹不属于任何默认outlook文件夹)

My outlook folder

import sys, win32com.client, datetime
# Connect with MS Outlook - must be open.
outlook = win32com.client.Dispatch("Outlook.Application").GetNamespace("MAPI")

# connect to Sent Items
s = outlook.GetDefaultFolder(6).Items   # "5" refers to the sent item of a
#s.Sort("s", true)
# Get yesterdays date for the purpose of getting emails from this date
d = (datetime.date.today() - datetime.timedelta (days=1)).strftime("%d-%m-%y, %H:%M:%S")
# get the email/s
msg = s.GetLast()
# Loop through emails
while msg:
    # Get email date 
    date = msg.SentOn.strftime("%d-%m-%y , %H:%M:%S")
    # Get Subject Line of email
    sjl = msg.Subject
    # Set the critera for whats wanted                       
    if d == date and (msg.Subject.startswith("XXXX ") or msg.Subject.startswith("XXXXX")):
    msg = s.GetPrevious()


Tags: ofthe文件夹getdatetimedateemail报告
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-25 19:24:04


Sub EnumerateFoldersInStores() 
 Dim colStores As Outlook.Stores 
 Dim oStore As Outlook.Store 
 Dim oRoot As Outlook.Folder 

 On Error Resume Next 
 Set colStores = Application.Session.Stores  
 For Each oStore In colStores  
 Set oRoot = oStore.GetRootFolder  
 Debug.Print (oRoot.FolderPath)  
 EnumerateFolders oRoot  
End Sub  

Private Sub EnumerateFolders(ByVal oFolder As Outlook.Folder)  
 Dim folders As Outlook.folders  
 Dim Folder As Outlook.Folder  
 Dim foldercount As Integer 

 On Error Resume Next  
 Set folders = oFolder.folders  
 foldercount = folders.Count  
 'Check if there are any folders below oFolder  
 If foldercount Then  
 For Each Folder In folders  
 Debug.Print (Folder.FolderPath)  
 EnumerateFolders Folder  
 End If  
End Sub

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