pytest每次迭代的新测试| for loop |参数化夹具

2024-04-26 22:53:22 发布

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import pytest
from flask import url_for
from myflaskapp import get_app

def app():
    # App context and specific overrides for test env
    yield get_app()

def client(app):
    yield app.test_client()

def routes(app):
    routes = [
    # There's quite a lot of function names here
    with app.app_context():
        for n, route in enumerate(routes):
            routes[n] = url_for(route)
            # yield url_for(route) #NOTE: This would be ideal, but not allowed.
            # convert the routes from func names to actual routes
    yield routes

@pytest.mark.parametrize('route', routes)
def test_page_load(client, route):
    assert client.get(route.endpoint).status_code == 200


我看到了一个可以直接从函数生成测试的解决方案,它看起来非常灵活,可能符合我的要求Passing pytest fixture in parametrize(虽然我不能直接使用调用fixture修饰函数,所以可能不会)





  1. 干燥:pytest: parameterize fixtures in a DRY way
  2. 从函数生成测试:Passing pytest fixture in parametrize
  3. 非常简单的解决方案(不适用于这种情况):Parametrize pytest fixture
  4. PyTest中的Flask应用程序上下文:Testing code that requires a Flask app or request context
  5. 使用多个列表装置避免边缘情况:Why does Pytest perform a nested loop over fixture parameters

Tags: 函数infromimportclientappurlfor


import pytest
from flask import url_for
from myflaskapp import get_app

def app():
    app = get_app()
    # app context stuff trimmed out here
    return app

def client(app):
    client = app.test_client()
    return client

def routes(app):
    '''GET method urls that we want to perform mass testing on'''
    routes = ['foo', 'bar']
    with app.app_context():
        for n, route in enumerate(routes):
            routes[n] = url_for(route)
    return routes

@pytest.mark.parametrize('route', routes(get_app()))
#NOTE: It'd be really nice if I could use routes as a 
# fixture and pytest would handle this for me. I feel like I'm
# breaking the rules here doing it this way. (But I don't think I actually am)
def test_page_load(client, route):
    assert client.get(route.endpoint).status_code == 200





import pytest
from flask import url_for
from myflaskapp import get_app

def app():
    app = get_app()
    # app context stuff trimmed out here
    return app

def client(app):
    client = app.test_client()
    return client

def route(request, app):
    '''GET method urls that we want to perform mass testing on'''
    with app.app_context():
        return url_for(request.param)

def test_page_load(client, route):
    assert client.get(route.endpoint).status_code == 200

The documentation是这样解释的:

Fixture functions can be parametrized in which case they will be called multiple times, each time executing the set of dependent tests, i. e. the tests that depend on this fixture. Test functions usually do not need to be aware of their re-running. Fixture parametrization helps to write exhaustive functional tests for components which themselves can be configured in multiple ways.

Extending the previous example, we can flag the fixture to create two smtp_connection fixture instances which will cause all tests using the fixture to run twice. The fixture function gets access to each parameter through the special request object:

# content of
import pytest import smtplib

@pytest.fixture(scope="module", params=["", ""])
def smtp_connection(request):
    smtp_connection = smtplib.SMTP(request.param, 587, timeout=5)
    yield smtp_connection
    print("finalizing {}".format(smtp_connection))

The main change is the declaration of params with @pytest.fixture, a list of values for each of which the fixture function will execute and can access a value via request.param. No test function code needs to change.

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