
2024-04-26 10:03:47 发布

您现在位置:Python中文网/ 问答频道 /正文


df = pd.DataFrame(data = {'RecordID' : [1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5], 'DisplayLabel' : ['Source','Test','Value 1','Value 2','Value3','Source','Test','Value 1','Value 2','Source','Test','Value 1','Value 2','Source','Test','Value 1','Value 2','Source','Test','Value 1','Value 2'],
'Value' : ['Web','Logic','S','I','Complete','Person','Voice','>20','P','Mail','OCR','A','I','Dictation','Understandable','S','I','Web','Logic','R','S']})


| Index | RecordID | Display Label |     Value      |
|     0 |        1 | Source        | Web            |
|     1 |        1 | Test          | Logic          |
|     2 |        1 | Value 1       | S              |
|     3 |        1 | Value 2       | I              |
|     4 |        1 | Value 3       | Complete       |
|     5 |        2 | Source        | Person         |
|     6 |        2 | Test          | Voice          |
|     7 |        2 | Value 1       | >20            |
|     8 |        2 | Value 2       | P              |
|     9 |        3 | Source        | Mail           |
|    10 |        3 | Test          | OCR            |
|    11 |        3 | Value 1       | A              |
|    12 |        3 | Value 2       | I              |
|    13 |        4 | Source        | Dictation      |
|    14 |        4 | Test          | Understandable |
|    15 |        4 | Value 1       | S              |
|    16 |        4 | Value 2       | I              |
|    17 |        5 | Source        | Web            |
|    18 |        5 | Test          | Logic          |
|    19 |        5 | Value 1       | R              |
|    20 |        5 | Value 2       | S              |


| Index | RecordID |  Source   |      Test      | Result        |  Value   |
|     0 |        1 | Web       | Logic          | Value 1       | S        |
|     1 |        1 | Web       | Logic          | Value 2       | I        |
|     2 |        1 | Web       | Logic          | Value 3       | Complete |
|     3 |        2 | Person    | Voice          | Value 1       | >20      |
|     4 |        2 | Person    | Voice          | Value 2       | P        |
|     5 |        3 | Mail      | OCR            | Value 1       | A        |
|     6 |        3 | Mail      | OCR            | Value 2       | I        |
|     7 |        4 | Dictation | Understandable | Value 1       | S        |
|     8 |        4 | Dictation | Understandable | Value 2       | I        |
|     9 |        5 | Web       | Logic          | Value 1       | R        |
|    10 |        5 | Web       | Logic          | Value 2       | S        |


我已经阅读了Pandas MeltPandas Pivot以及有关stackoverflow的一些参考资料,因此非常感谢您提供的任何帮助,我似乎无法找到快速完成此操作的方法


Tags: 数据testwebsourcevaluemailpersonocr


# first converting all long to wide
df2 = df.set_index(['RecordID','DisplayLabel']).unstack()
# flattening the unstacked columns
df2.columns = df2.columns.to_series().str.join('_')
df2.columns = df2.columns.str.replace('Value_','',regex=True) #just removing the junk in the column name
df2 = df2.reset_index() #resetting index to access RecordID

df2 = (pd.melt(df2,id_vars=['RecordID',"Source","Test"],var_name='Result', value_name='Value')

index   RecordID    Source  Test    Result  Value
0   0   1   Web Logic   Value 1 S
1   5   1   Web Logic   Value 2 I
2   10  1   Web Logic   Value 3 Complete
3   1   2   Person  Voice   Value 1 >20
4   6   2   Person  Voice   Value 2 P
5   2   3   Mail    OCR Value 1 A
6   7   3   Mail    OCR Value 2 I
7   3   4   Dictation   Understandable  Value 1 S
8   8   4   Dictation   Understandable  Value 2 I
9   4   5   Web Logic   Value 1 R
10  9   5   Web Logic   Value 2 S


mask = df['DisplayLabel'].str.contains('Value')
df2 = df[~mask].pivot(index='RecordID', columns='DisplayLabel', values='Value')

dfpiv = (
    RecordID   Result     Value     Source            Test
0          1  Value 1         S        Web           Logic
1          1  Value 2         I        Web           Logic
2          1   Value3  Complete        Web           Logic
3          2  Value 1       >20     Person           Voice
4          2  Value 2         P     Person           Voice
5          3  Value 1         A       Mail             OCR
6          3  Value 2         I       Mail             OCR
7          4  Value 1         S  Dictation  Understandable
8          4  Value 2         I  Dictation  Understandable
9          5  Value 1         R        Web           Logic
10         5  Value 2         S        Web           Logic


dfpiv.reindex(columns=['RecordID', 'Source', 'Test', 'Result', 'Value'])

    RecordID     Source            Test   Result     Value
0          1        Web           Logic  Value 1         S
1          1        Web           Logic  Value 2         I
2          1        Web           Logic   Value3  Complete
3          2     Person           Voice  Value 1       >20
4          2     Person           Voice  Value 2         P
5          3       Mail             OCR  Value 1         A
6          3       Mail             OCR  Value 2         I
7          4  Dictation  Understandable  Value 1         S
8          4  Dictation  Understandable  Value 2         I
9          5        Web           Logic  Value 1         R
10         5        Web           Logic  Value 2         S


# mask all rows where "Value" is in column DisplayLabel
mask = df['DisplayLabel'].str.contains('Value')

0     False
1     False
2      True
3      True
4      True
5     False
6     False
7      True
8      True
9     False
10    False
11     True
12     True
13    False
14    False
15     True
16     True
17    False
18    False
19     True
20     True
Name: DisplayLabel, dtype: bool
# select all rows which do NOT have "Value" in DisplayLabel

    RecordID DisplayLabel           Value
0          1       Source             Web
1          1         Test           Logic
5          2       Source          Person
6          2         Test           Voice
9          3       Source            Mail
10         3         Test             OCR
13         4       Source       Dictation
14         4         Test  Understandable
17         5       Source             Web
18         5         Test           Logic
# pivot the values in DisplayLabel to columns
df2 = df[~mask].pivot(index='RecordID', columns='DisplayLabel', values='Value')

DisplayLabel     Source            Test
1                   Web           Logic
2                Person           Voice
3                  Mail             OCR
4             Dictation  Understandable
5                   Web           Logic
df[mask].rename(columns={'DisplayLabel':'Result'}) # rename the column DisplayLabel to Result
            .set_index('RecordID')                 # set RecordId as index so we can join df2 
            .join(df2)                             # join df2 back to our dataframe based RecordId
            .reset_index()                         # reset index so we get RecordId back as column

    RecordID   Result     Value     Source            Test
0          1  Value 1         S        Web           Logic
1          1  Value 2         I        Web           Logic
2          1   Value3  Complete        Web           Logic
3          2  Value 1       >20     Person           Voice
4          2  Value 2         P     Person           Voice
5          3  Value 1         A       Mail             OCR
6          3  Value 2         I       Mail             OCR
7          4  Value 1         S  Dictation  Understandable
8          4  Value 2         I  Dictation  Understandable
9          5  Value 1         R        Web           Logic
10         5  Value 2         S        Web           Logic


df.set_index(['RecordID', 'DisplayLabel']).Value.unstack().reset_index() \
  .melt(['RecordID', 'Source', 'Test'], var_name='Result', value_name='Value') \

    RecordID     Source            Test   Result     Value
0          1        Web           Logic  Value 1         S
5          1        Web           Logic  Value 2         I
10         1        Web           Logic  Value 3  Complete
1          2     Person           Voice  Value 1       >20
6          2     Person           Voice  Value 2         P
2          3       Mail             OCR  Value 1         A
7          3       Mail             OCR  Value 2         I
3          4  Dictation  Understandable  Value 1         S
8          4  Dictation  Understandable  Value 2         I
4          5        Web           Logic  Value 1         R
9          5        Web           Logic  Value 2         S


def f(t):
    name, df = t
    d = dict(zip(df['DisplayLabel'], df['Value']))
    source = d.pop('Source')
    test = d.pop('Test')
    result, value = zip(*d.items())

    return pd.DataFrame(
        dict(RecordID=name, Source=source, Test=test, Result=result, Value=value)

pd.concat(map(f, df.groupby('RecordID')))

   RecordID     Source            Test   Result     Value
0         1        Web           Logic  Value 1         S
1         1        Web           Logic  Value 2         I
2         1        Web           Logic  Value 3  Complete
0         2     Person           Voice  Value 1       >20
1         2     Person           Voice  Value 2         P
0         3       Mail             OCR  Value 1         A
1         3       Mail             OCR  Value 2         I
0         4  Dictation  Understandable  Value 1         S
1         4  Dictation  Understandable  Value 2         I
0         5        Web           Logic  Value 1         R
1         5        Web           Logic  Value 2         S


df = pd.DataFrame(data={
    'RecordID': [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5],
    'DisplayLabel': [
        'Source', 'Test', 'Value 1', 'Value 2', 'Value 3',
        'Source', 'Test', 'Value 1', 'Value 2',
        'Source', 'Test', 'Value 1', 'Value 2',
        'Source', 'Test', 'Value 1', 'Value 2',
        'Source', 'Test', 'Value 1', 'Value 2'
    'Value': [
        'Web', 'Logic', 'S', 'I', 'Complete',
        'Person', 'Voice', '>20', 'P',
        'Mail', 'OCR', 'A', 'I',
        'Dictation', 'Understandable', 'S', 'I',
        'Web', 'Logic', 'R', 'S'

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