
2024-05-16 02:43:17 发布

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我正在制作一个机器人,在每个工作日的不同时间发布公告。我想通过5个discord任务循环在各自的日期发送公告来完成这一过程。它们将在各自的Unix时间戳上激活,然后在刷新下周的时间戳时重新激活。 如何生成在Unix时间戳上激活的@client.event

import discord
from discord.ext import commands, tasks
import random
import datetime

client = commands.Bot(command_prefix='.')

orig = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1425917335)
new = orig + datetime.timedelta(days=90)
target_channel_id = 123456789
list_warning = ["T minus... 5 minutes... until detonation.", "Teacher is waiting. Get your ass back in 5 minutes.", "300 seconds unt-, 299 seconds unt-, 298 seconds unt-...",
                "Chow down boys, lunch ends in 5 minutes.", "Looks like you've got some schoolin' to do."]
list_time = [1, 10]

#loops the 5 minute warning for lunch to end
async def called_once_a_day():
    message_channel = client.get_channel(target_channel_id)
    print(f"Got channel {message_channel}")
    await message_channel.send(random.choice(list_warning))
    org = orig + datetime.timedelta(days=7)

async def before():
    await client.wait_until_ready()
    print("Finished waiting")



Tags: importclientdatetime时间channeluntlistseconds
1楼 · 发布于 2024-05-16 02:43:17

tuesday_lunch_time = arrow.get("1230","HHmm")

#loop every minute so we are within a minute of lunch time.. you could change this to loop more often
async def called_once_a_day():
    now = arrow.now()
    if now.weekday()== 1: #is today tuesday, don't ask me why tuesday is 1
        if tuesday_lunch_time.shift(minutes=2).time() > now.time > tuesday_lunch_time.time():  ###this checks if you are within two minutes after lunch time, you could change this if you want to say have it be early, because of our loop it should be within a minute but I picked two minutes to be safe
            message_channel = client.get_channel(target_channel_id)
            print(f"Got channel {message_channel}")
            await message_channel.send(random.choice(list_warning))
            #to get out of the conditional above, so you don't send multiple times
            await asyncio.sleep(720)

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