Pytorch CPU CUDA设备负载(无gpu)

2024-04-20 08:37:58 发布

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我发现这个很好的代码Pytorch mobilenet,我无法在CPU上运行。



device = 'cuda:0' if torch.cuda.is_available() else 'cpu'



class BaseModel(nn.Module):
    """Abstract model class with functionality to save and load weights"""

    def forward(self, *input):
        raise NotImplementedError

    def save_weights(self, directory, name):, directory / f'weights_{name}.pth')

    def load_weights(self, directory, name):
        self.load_state_dict(torch.load(directory / f'weights_{name}.pth'))

    def load_best_weights(self, directory):
        self.load_state_dict(torch.load(directory / f'weights_best.pth'))

    def load_epoch_checkpoint(self, directory, epoch):
        """Load state_dict from a Trainer checkpoint at a specific epoch"""
        chkpnt = torch.load(directory / f"chkpnt_epoch{epoch:04d}.pth")

    def load_checkpoint(self, file):
        """Load state_dict from a specific Trainer checkpoint"""
        """Load """
        chkpnt = torch.load(file)

    def load_last_chkpnt(self, directory):
        """Load state_dict from the last Trainer checkpoint"""
        last_chkpnt = sorted(list(directory.glob('chkpnt_epoch*.pth')))[-1]



Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 99, in <module>

  File "/home/b256/anaconda3/envs/unisal36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fire/", line 138, in Fire
    component_trace = _Fire(component, args, parsed_flag_args, context, name)

  File "/home/b256/anaconda3/envs/unisal36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fire/", line 471, in _Fire

  File "/home/b256/anaconda3/envs/unisal36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/fire/", line 675, in _CallAndUpdateTrace
    component = fn(*varargs, **kwargs)

  File "", line 95, in predict_examples
    example_folder, is_video, train_id=train_id, source=source)

  File "", line 72, in predictions_from_folder
    folder_path, is_video, source=source, model_domain=model_domain)

  File "/home/b256/Data/saliency_models/unisal-master/unisal/", line 871, in generate_predictions_from_path

  File "/home/b256/Data/saliency_models/unisal-master/unisal/", line 1057, in model
    self._model = model_cls(**self.model_cfg)

  File "/home/b256/Data/saliency_models/unisal-master/unisal/", line 190, in __init__
    self.cnn = MobileNetV2(**self.cnn_cfg)

  File "/home/b256/Data/saliency_models/unisal-master/unisal/models/", line 156, in __init__
    Path(__file__).resolve().parent / 'weights/mobilenet_v2.pth.tar')

  File "/home/b256/anaconda3/envs/unisal36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 367, in load
    return _load(f, map_location, pickle_module)

  File "/home/b256/anaconda3/envs/unisal36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 538, in _load
    result = unpickler.load()

  File "/home/b256/anaconda3/envs/unisal36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 504, in persistent_load
    data_type(size), location)

  File "/home/b256/anaconda3/envs/unisal36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 113, in default_restore_location
    result = fn(storage, location)

  File "/home/b256/anaconda3/envs/unisal36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 94, in _cuda_deserialize
    device = validate_cuda_device(location)

  File "/home/b256/anaconda3/envs/unisal36/lib/python3.6/site-packages/torch/", line 78, in validate_cuda_device
    raise RuntimeError('Attempting to deserialize object on a CUDA '
RuntimeError: Attempting to deserialize object on a CUDA device but torch.cuda.is_available() is False. If you are running on a CPU-only machine, please use torch.load with map_location='cpu' to map your storages to the CPU.

Tags: inpyselfhomemodellineloadtorch
1楼 · 发布于 2024-04-20 08:37:58中,您将看到一个map_location关键字参数,用于将权重发送到适当的设备:

model.load_state_dict(torch.load(PATH, map_location=device))


torch.load() uses Python’s unpickling facilities but treats storages, which underlie tensors, specially. They are first deserialized on the CPU and are then moved to the device they were saved from. If this fails (e.g. because the run time system doesn’t have certain devices), an exception is raised. However, storages can be dynamically remapped to an alternative set of devices using the map_location argument.

If map_location is a callable, it will be called once for each serialized storage with two arguments: storage and location. The storage argument will be the initial deserialization of the storage, residing on the CPU. Each serialized storage has a location tag associated with it which identifies the device it was saved from, and this tag is the second argument passed to map_location. The builtin location tags are 'cpu' for CPU tensors and 'cuda:device_id' (e.g. 'cuda:2') for CUDA tensors. map_location should return either None or a storage. If map_location returns a storage, it will be used as the final deserialized object, already moved to the right device. Otherwise, torch.load() will fall back to the default behavior, as if map_location wasn’t specified.

If map_location is a torch.device object or a string containing a device tag, it indicates the location where all tensors should be loaded.

Otherwise, if map_location is a dict, it will be used to remap location tags appearing in the file (keys), to ones that specify where to put the storages (values).

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