
2024-04-20 03:12:38 发布

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从广义上讲,我试图计算在许多不同的试验中,有多少红色路径/轨迹落在黑色路径之间(见下图)。 我圈出了几个例子,其中对于(0,1,3),大约30-40%的红色路径位于两条黑色路径之间,但是对于(2,1,3),只有大约1-2%的红色路径位于两条黑色路径之间

enter image description here




    (0, 1, 1)_mean_X  (0, 1, 1)_mean_Z  ...  (2, 2, 3)_mean_X  (2, 2, 3)_mean_Z
0         -15.856713          5.002617  ...        -15.600160         -5.010470
1         -15.831320          5.003529  ...        -15.566172         -5.012251
2         -15.805927          5.004441  ...        -15.532184         -5.014032
3         -15.780534          5.005353  ...        -15.498196         -5.015814
4         -15.755141          5.006265  ...        -15.464208         -5.017595
..               ...               ...  ...               ...               ...
95        -12.818362          5.429729  ...        -12.391177         -5.391595
96        -12.783905          5.437335  ...        -12.357563         -5.396919
97        -12.749456          5.444990  ...        -12.323950         -5.402243
98        -12.715017          5.452697  ...        -12.290336         -5.407567
99        -12.680594          5.460469  ...        -12.256722         -5.412891



    (0, 1, 1)_top_X  (0, 1, 1)_bottom_X  ...  (2, 2, 3)_top_Z  (2, 2, 3)_bottom_Z
0        -16.000000          -16.000000  ...        -5.000000           -5.000000
1        -16.000000          -16.000000  ...        -5.000000           -5.000000
2        -16.000000          -16.000000  ...        -5.000000           -5.000000
3        -16.000000          -16.000000  ...        -5.000000           -5.000000
4        -16.000000          -16.000000  ...        -5.000000           -5.000000
..              ...                 ...  ...              ...                 ...
95       -15.000971          -15.417215  ...        -4.993461           -5.011372
96       -14.979947          -15.402014  ...        -4.993399           -5.013007
97       -14.957949          -15.385840  ...        -4.993291           -5.014463
98       -14.934171          -15.368649  ...        -4.993186           -5.015692
99       -14.908484          -15.349371  ...        -4.993069           -5.016940



import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def CI_analysis(df_H, df_R):
    # separate X & Z 
    df_H_top_X = df_H.filter(regex='top_X')
    df_H_bottom_X = df_H.filter(regex='bottom_X')
    df_H_top_Z = df_H.filter(regex='top_Z')
    df_H_bottom_Z = df_H.filter(regex='bottom_Z')
    df_R_X = CI_raycast.filter(regex='mean_X') 
    df_R_Z = CI_raycast.filter(regex='mean_Z') 
    # check if X is within the range of top & bottom X
    CI_inside_X = pd.DataFrame()
    for col in df_R_X:
        temp = []
        c = 0
        for i, val in df_R_X[col].iteritems():
            if (val < df_H_top_X.iloc[i,c]) & (val > df_H_bottom_X.iloc[i,c]):
        CI_inside_X[col] = temp
        c = c+1

    # check if Z is within the range of top & bottom Z
    CI_inside_Z = pd.DataFrame()
    for col in df_R_Z:
        temp = []
        # print(col)
        c = 0
        for i, val in df_R_Z[col].iteritems():
            if (val < df_H_top_Z.iloc[i,c]) & (val > df_H_bottom_Z.iloc[i,c]):
        CI_inside_Z[col] = temp
        c = c+1

    # Check if X & Z were both in-between the top & bottom trajectories
    CI_inside = pd.DataFrame()
    for col in CI_inside_X:
        temp = []
        c = 0
        for i,row in CI_inside_X[col].iteritems(): 
            if (row == 1) & (CI_inside_Z.iloc[i,c] == 1):
        CI_inside[col] = temp
        c = c+1
    CI_inside_avg = pd.DataFrame(CI_inside.mean(axis=0)).transpose() 
    return CI_inside_X, CI_inside_Z, CI_inside, CI_inside_avg  


df_R_cols = ['(0, 1, 1)_mean_X', '(0, 1, 1)_mean_Z', '(0, 1, 2)_mean_X',
       '(0, 1, 2)_mean_Z', '(0, 1, 3)_mean_X', '(0, 1, 3)_mean_Z',
       '(0, 2, 1)_mean_X', '(0, 2, 1)_mean_Z', '(0, 2, 2)_mean_X',
       '(0, 2, 2)_mean_Z', '(0, 2, 3)_mean_X', '(0, 2, 3)_mean_Z',
       '(1, 1, 1)_mean_X', '(1, 1, 1)_mean_Z', '(1, 1, 2)_mean_X',
       '(1, 1, 2)_mean_Z', '(1, 1, 3)_mean_X', '(1, 1, 3)_mean_Z',
       '(1, 2, 1)_mean_X', '(1, 2, 1)_mean_Z', '(1, 2, 2)_mean_X',
       '(1, 2, 2)_mean_Z', '(1, 2, 3)_mean_X', '(1, 2, 3)_mean_Z',
       '(2, 1, 1)_mean_X', '(2, 1, 1)_mean_Z', '(2, 1, 2)_mean_X',
       '(2, 1, 2)_mean_Z', '(2, 1, 3)_mean_X', '(2, 1, 3)_mean_Z',
       '(2, 2, 1)_mean_X', '(2, 2, 1)_mean_Z', '(2, 2, 2)_mean_X',
       '(2, 2, 2)_mean_Z', '(2, 2, 3)_mean_X', '(2, 2, 3)_mean_Z'] 

df_H_cols = ['(0, 1, 1)_top_X', '(0, 1, 1)_bottom_X', '(0, 1, 1)_top_Z',
       '(0, 1, 1)_bottom_Z', '(0, 1, 2)_top_X', '(0, 1, 2)_bottom_X',
       '(0, 1, 2)_top_Z', '(0, 1, 2)_bottom_Z', '(0, 1, 3)_top_X',
       '(0, 1, 3)_bottom_X', '(0, 1, 3)_top_Z', '(0, 1, 3)_bottom_Z',
       '(0, 2, 1)_top_X', '(0, 2, 1)_bottom_X', '(0, 2, 1)_top_Z',
       '(0, 2, 1)_bottom_Z', '(0, 2, 2)_top_X', '(0, 2, 2)_bottom_X',
       '(0, 2, 2)_top_Z', '(0, 2, 2)_bottom_Z', '(0, 2, 3)_top_X',
       '(0, 2, 3)_bottom_X', '(0, 2, 3)_top_Z', '(0, 2, 3)_bottom_Z',
       '(1, 1, 1)_top_X', '(1, 1, 1)_bottom_X', '(1, 1, 1)_top_Z',
       '(1, 1, 1)_bottom_Z', '(1, 1, 2)_top_X', '(1, 1, 2)_bottom_X',
       '(1, 1, 2)_top_Z', '(1, 1, 2)_bottom_Z', '(1, 1, 3)_top_X',
       '(1, 1, 3)_bottom_X', '(1, 1, 3)_top_Z', '(1, 1, 3)_bottom_Z',
       '(1, 2, 1)_top_X', '(1, 2, 1)_bottom_X', '(1, 2, 1)_top_Z',
       '(1, 2, 1)_bottom_Z', '(1, 2, 2)_top_X', '(1, 2, 2)_bottom_X',
       '(1, 2, 2)_top_Z', '(1, 2, 2)_bottom_Z', '(1, 2, 3)_top_X',
       '(1, 2, 3)_bottom_X', '(1, 2, 3)_top_Z', '(1, 2, 3)_bottom_Z',
       '(2, 1, 1)_top_X', '(2, 1, 1)_bottom_X', '(2, 1, 1)_top_Z',
       '(2, 1, 1)_bottom_Z', '(2, 1, 2)_top_X', '(2, 1, 2)_bottom_X',
       '(2, 1, 2)_top_Z', '(2, 1, 2)_bottom_Z', '(2, 1, 3)_top_X',
       '(2, 1, 3)_bottom_X', '(2, 1, 3)_top_Z', '(2, 1, 3)_bottom_Z',
       '(2, 2, 1)_top_X', '(2, 2, 1)_bottom_X', '(2, 2, 1)_top_Z',
       '(2, 2, 1)_bottom_Z', '(2, 2, 2)_top_X', '(2, 2, 2)_bottom_X',
       '(2, 2, 2)_top_Z', '(2, 2, 2)_bottom_Z', '(2, 2, 3)_top_X',
       '(2, 2, 3)_bottom_X', '(2, 2, 3)_top_Z', '(2, 2, 3)_bottom_Z']

df_R = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(1000, 36)), columns=df_R_cols)
df_H = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(1000, 72)), columns=df_H_cols)

Tags: 数据in路径cidfiftopcol



a_rng = range(3)
b_rng = range(1, 3)
c_rng = range(1, 4)
all_my_tuples = [(a, b, c) for a in a_rng for b in b_rng for c in c_rng]


df_R_cols = [f"{x}_mean_{e}" for x in all_my_tuples for e in ["X","Z",]]
df_H_cols = [f"{x}_{pos}_{e}" for x in all_my_tuples for e in ["X","Z",] for pos in ["top", "bottom",]]


df_R_H = pd.merge(df_R, df_H, left_index=True, right_index=True)



df_fin = pd.DataFrame(index = map(str, all_my_tuples), columns=["n_found",])

# Iterate tuple elements
for t in all_my_tuples:
    # Create query list.
    qry_ = []
    # Repeat same query creation process for X and Z.
    for xz in ["X", "Z"]:
        qry_.append(f"(`{t}_mean_{xz}` < `{t}_top_{xz}` & `{t}_mean_{xz}` > `{t}_bottom_{xz}`)")

    # Join to create full query and execute into new dataframe
    qry = " & ".join(qry_)
    # print(qry)
    dft = df_R_H.query(qry)

    # Update dataframe with row count
    if not (dft) is None:
        df_fin.loc[f"{t}", "n_found"] = dft.shape[0]
        df_fin.loc[f"{t}", "n_found"] = 0


df_fin["n_mean"] = df_fin.loc[:, "n_found"].apply(lambda q: q / df_R.shape[0])


          n_found  n_mean
(0, 1, 1)      27   0.027
(0, 1, 2)      34   0.034
(0, 1, 3)      25   0.025
(0, 2, 1)      23   0.023
(0, 2, 2)      31   0.031
(0, 2, 3)      29   0.029
(1, 1, 1)      22   0.022
(1, 1, 2)      23   0.023
(1, 1, 3)      22   0.022
(1, 2, 1)      21   0.021
(1, 2, 2)      22   0.022
(1, 2, 3)      27   0.027
(2, 1, 1)      29   0.029
(2, 1, 2)      35   0.035
(2, 1, 3)      25   0.025
(2, 2, 1)      29   0.029
(2, 2, 2)      23   0.023
(2, 2, 3)      32   0.032




    df_H = pd.read_pickle('df_H.pickle')
    df_R = pd.read_pickle('df_R.pickle')
    dfh_groups = [df_H.columns[x:x + 4] for x in range(0, len(df_H.columns), 4)]
    dfr_groups = [df_R.columns[x:x + 2] for x in range(0, len(df_R.columns), 2)]
    df_result = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Percentage'])

    for i in range(len(dfr_groups)):

        label = dfr_groups[i][0].split('_')[0]

        X_R = df_R[dfr_groups[i][0]].to_numpy()
        Y_R = df_R[dfr_groups[i][1]].to_numpy()
        X_H_Top = df_H[dfh_groups[i][0]].to_numpy()
        Y_H_Top = df_H[dfh_groups[i][1]].to_numpy()
        X_H_Bottom = df_H[dfh_groups[i][2]].to_numpy()
        Y_H_Bottom = df_H[dfh_groups[i][3]].to_numpy()

        # Interpolate df_H to match the data points from df_R
        bottom = interpolate.interp1d(X_H_Bottom,Y_H_Bottom)
        top = interpolate.interp1d(X_H_Top,Y_H_Top)

        # Respect the interpolation boundaries, so drop every row not in range from X_H_(Bottom/Top)
        X_H_Bottom = X_R[(X_R > np.amin(X_H_Bottom)) & (X_R < np.amax(X_H_Bottom))]
        X_H_Top = X_R[(X_R > np.amin(X_H_Top)) & (X_R < np.amax(X_H_Top))]
        minimal_X = np.intersect1d(X_H_Bottom, X_H_Top)

        # Calculate the new values an the data points from df_R
        Y_I_Bottom = bottom(minimal_X)
        Y_I_Top = top(minimal_X)

        plt.plot(X_R, Y_R,'r-',minimal_X, Y_I_Bottom,'k-', minimal_X, Y_I_Top,'k-')

        # Count datapoints of df_R within bottom and top
        minimal_x_idx = 0
        nr_points_within = 0
        for i in range(0,len(X_R)):
            if minimal_x_idx >= len(minimal_X):
            elif X_R[i] != minimal_X[minimal_x_idx]:
                # Check if datapoint within even if bottom and top changed
                if (Y_R[i] > np.amin(Y_I_Bottom[minimal_x_idx]) and  Y_R[i] < np.amax(Y_I_Top[minimal_x_idx]))\
                        or (Y_R[i] < np.amin(Y_I_Bottom[minimal_x_idx]) and  Y_R[i] > np.amax(Y_I_Top[minimal_x_idx])):
                    nr_points_within += 1
                minimal_x_idx += 1

        # Depends on definition if points outside of interpolation range should be count as outside or be dropped
        percent_within = (nr_points_within * 100) / len(minimal_X)
        df_result.loc[label] = [percent_within]





首先,我在变量和解释中重命名了你的Z轴Y,我希望这不会太混乱。使用scipy函数interp1d我对底部/顶部轨迹进行spline interpolation。基本上这意味着,我根据底部和顶部轨迹的给定X/Y值建立了两个数学函数的模型。这些函数返回底部或顶部的连续输出。在每个X值上,我从轨迹中获得Y值,即使对于数据中未显示的X值也是如此。这就是所谓的样条插值。在数据中的每个X/Y值对之间计算一行(m*X+t)。在计算二次多边形(a*x^2+b*x+c)时,也可以使用关键字“cubic”。现在有了这个模型,我可以看看底部和顶部轨迹在红色轨迹给出的X值上的值


PS.: 下面是我对整个数据集的输出:

(0, 1, 1)    3.427419
(0, 1, 2)   76.488396
(0, 1, 3)   71.802618
(0, 2, 1)    6.889564
(0, 2, 2)   16.330645
(0, 2, 3)   59.233098
(1, 1, 1)   13.373860
(1, 1, 2)   45.262097
(1, 1, 3)   91.084093
(1, 2, 1)    0.505051
(1, 2, 2)    1.010101
(1, 2, 3)   41.253792
(2, 1, 1)    4.853387
(2, 1, 2)   12.916246
(2, 1, 3)    0.808081
(2, 2, 1)    0.101112
(2, 2, 2)    0.708502
(2, 2, 3)   88.810484

  • 此解决方案以更高效的方式实现OP中的代码,并执行要求的,但不执行需要的
  • 虽然解决方案不能提供预期的结果,但在与OP讨论后,我们决定留下这个答案,因为它有助于澄清预期的结果。
    • 也许有人可以从这里提供的东西开始工作,达到下一步。我以后再做这个
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# create a reproducible dataframe
df_R = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(1000, 36)), columns=df_R_cols)
df_H = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,100,size=(1000, 72)), columns=df_H_cols)

# create groups of column names: 18 groups
dfh_groups = [df_H.columns[x:x+4] for x in range(0, len(df_H.columns), 4)]
dfr_groups = [df_R.columns[x:x+2] for x in range(0, len(df_R.columns), 2)]

# create empty lists for pandas Series
x_series = list()
z_series = list()
both_series = list()

for i in range(len(dfr_groups)):

    # print the groups
    # extract the groups of column names
    rx, rz = dfr_groups[i]
    htx, hbx, htz, hbz = dfh_groups[i]
    # check if _mean is between _top & _bottom
    x_between = (df_R.loc[:, rx] < df_H.loc[:, htx]) & (df_R.loc[:, rx] > df_H.loc[:, hbx])
    z_between = (df_R.loc[:, rz] < df_H.loc[:, htz]) & (df_R.loc[:, rz] > df_H.loc[:, hbz])
    # check if x & z meet the criteria
    both_between = x_between & z_between
    # name the pandas Series
    name = rx.split('_')[0]
    x_between.rename(f'{name}_x', inplace=True)
    z_between.rename(f'{name}_z', inplace=True)
    both_between.rename(f'{name}_xz', inplace=True)
    # append Series to lists

    # the following section of the loop is only used for visualization
    # it is not necessary, other that for the plots

    # plot
    fig, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(ncols=2, figsize=(16, 6))
    ax1.plot(df_R.loc[:, rz], df_R.loc[:, rx], label='mid')
    ax1.plot(df_H.loc[:, htz], df_H.loc[:, htx], label='top')
    ax1.plot(df_H.loc[:, hbz], df_H.loc[:, hbx], label='bottom')
    ax1.set_title(f'{name}\nboth: {both_between.mean()}\nx: {x_between.mean()}\nz: {z_between.mean()}')
    # plot x, z, and mean with respect to the index
    ax2.plot(df_R.index, df_R.loc[:, rx], label='x_mean')
    ax2.plot(df_H.index, df_H.loc[:, htx], label='x_top')
    ax2.plot(df_H.index, df_H.loc[:, hbx], label='x_bot')
    ax2.plot(df_R.index, df_R.loc[:, rz], label='z_mean')
    ax2.plot(df_H.index, df_H.loc[:, htz], label='z_top')
    ax2.plot(df_H.index, df_H.loc[:, hbz], label='z_bot')
    ax2.set_title('top, bottom and mean plotted with the x-axis as the index')

# concat all the Series into dataframes and set the type to int
df_x_between = pd.concat(x_series, axis=1).astype(int)
df_z_between = pd.concat(z_series, axis=1).astype(int)
df_both_between = pd.concat(both_series, axis=1).astype(int)

# calculate the mean
  • 该图由OP提供的真实数据生成
  • 下图说明了当前实施的条件无法按预期工作的原因。
    • 例如,上面用x_between实现了OP中的(val < df_H_top_X.iloc[i,c]) & (val > df_H_bottom_X.iloc[i,c])
    • 右图显示指定的条件无助于确定mid何时介于topbottom之间,如左图所示

enter image description here

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